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Old Tupi


Alternative forms




Borrowed from Portuguese mãe.



mãîa (possessable)

  1. mother
    Synonym: sy
    • 1687, João Filipe Bettendorff, “Dialogo I”, in Compendio da Doutrina Christãa [] (overall work in Old Tupi and Portuguese), Do que pertence á Fé, page 38, column 2; republished as José Mariano da Conceição Vellozo, editor, Lisbon: Offic. de Simão Thaddeo Ferreira, 1800:
      — Abápe erimbäé Tupã oimonhangypŷ ybŷ pôramo? — Acẽ rûbypŷ Adã acẽ mãy ypŷ Eva bé, cecómonhânga, toïcüáb oiâramo, omonhangâramo xe recó oiâbo.
      [— Abápe erimba'e Tupã oîmonhangypy yby poramo? — Asé rubypy Adão, asé mãîypy Eva bé, sekomonhanga, "t'oîkuab o îaramo, o monhangaramo xe rekó" o'îabo.]
      — Whom did God once make in the condition of inhabitant of earth? — The first father of the people Adam, the first mother of the people Eve as well, giving them laws, saying "may they know I am their own lord, their own creator".


  • Nheengatu: manha