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in Vertretung

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in Vertretung

  1. (idiomatic) Indicates that a signatory is acting as the deputy of them who are qualified and responsible; distinct from im Auftrag (per pro), which merely indicates that the signatory has been instructed or authorized to sign.
    In Vertretung, Weber, Oberstudienrat.(please add an English translation of this usage example)
    Während meines Urlaubs unterschreiben Sie bitte in Vertretung, Herr Weber. Alle anderen unterschreiben natürlich weiterhin im Auftrag.
    During my holidays, please sign as my deputy, Mr Weber. All others continue to sign per pro, of course.
  2. Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see in,‎ Vertretung: by deputyship, proxy (in other contexts)