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hålla på

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hålla (present håller på, preterite höll på, supine hållit på, imperative håll på)

  1. (often with med) to be doing, to be up to (to currently be doing something)
    Jag håller på och städar
    I'm (up to) cleaning
    Vad håller du med?
    What are you doing? / What are you up to?
    1. to be at it
      Hur länge har de hållit på?
      How long have they been at it? [as a generic translation without context]
  2. to be in the process of (like above, but for objects, phenomena, and the like)
    Mjölken håller på att ta slut
    The milk is running out ("The milk is in the process of running out")
    Det höll på att bli mörkt ute
    It was getting dark outside ("It was in the process of getting dark outside")
  3. to last (go on for)
    Synonym: vara
    Hur länge håller filmen ?
    How long does the movie last? ("How long does the movie go on for?" – likely to be asked by someone who wants to know when it ends)
  4. to almost, to nearly, to be close to (have something (usually undesirable) happen – can be understood as "to be in the process of," like above, with an implication of not reaching the end)
    Vasen höll på att välta
    The vase almost fell over ("was in the process of falling over")
    Jag höll på att svimma när jag såg vad de gjort
    I almost fainted when I saw what they had done
    Hon höll på att försäga sig
    She almost had a slip of the tongue
  5. (colloquial) to be doing (something (usually disagreeable) that is clear from context, that goes on for a while)
    Håll inte så där!
    Don't be like that! / Don't go on like that! (if the thing is going on about something the speaker doesn't want to hear, as an example)
  6. (with the stress on hålla) to root for, to support (a team or the like)
    Synonym: heja på
    Vilket lag håller du ?
    Which team are you rooting for?

Usage notes


Can be used to express the continuous tense, which Swedish lacks as a grammatical feature ("Jag städar" can mean both "I clean" (as opposed to never clean, or as a profession or the like) and "I'm cleaning," while "Jag håller på och städar" can only mean "I'm cleaning"). The intended meaning is usually clear from context though, and "hålla på" is often used just to give a tone closer to "be up to" as opposed to "be doing."

See also


