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  1. strong dative masculine singular of forsögulegur
    Ekki gefa forsögulegum veiðimanni byssu því hann mun aldrei skilja hvernig á nota hana.
    Don’t give a prehistoric hunter a gun because they’ll never understand how to use it.
  2. strong dative masculine plural of forsögulegur
    Flugmaðurinn fór með okkur yfir forsögulegum ökrum um Vestfirði.
    The pilot took us over prehistoric fields throughout the Westfjords.
  3. strong dative feminine plural of forsögulegur
    Á forsögulegum hæðum dreifðist hópur ásatrúarmanna.
    On prehistoric hills, the group of Ásatrú believers was spread out.
  4. strong dative neuter plural of forsögulegur
    Þær undu forsögulegum málverkum.
    They enjoyed prehistoric paintings.