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facerape (plural facerapes)

  1. (Internet) A prank (varying in malice) involving unauthorized access to another person's social media account (typically Facebook) to post embarrassing or compromising content.



Alternative forms




Unadapted borrowing from English facerape, blend of Facebook +‎ rape. Likely first attested in 2009–2010[1].



facerape c

  1. (Internet) A prank (varying in malice) involving unauthorized access to another person's social media account (typically Facebook) to post embarrassing or compromising content.
    • 2010 November 18, “Förälder: "Maria 17 kan vara en gubbe" [Parent: 'Maria 17 could be an old man']”, in Förmiddag i P4 Blekinge, Sveriges Radio:
      Vad gör barn framför datorn? Vilka sidor surfar de på, var hittar de sina nya vänner och var lägger de ut sina bilder? Vad betyder det att FTP:a, streama och att bli utsatt för Facerape?
      What are kids doing in front of the computer? Which sites are they visiting, where do they find new friends, and where do they post their pictures? What does it mean to FTP, stream, and be subjected to facerape?
    • 2011 January 28, Joakim Carlson, “Krönika: Dags att begrava facerapen [Column: Time to Bury the facerape]”, in Nöjesguiden:
      Fenomenet facerapes föddes sannolikt under 2009 och exploderade i popularitet i fjol.
      The phenomenon of facerape likely originated in 2009 and exploded in popularity last year.
    • 2012 May 28, “Oskyldig ”facerape” kan ge böter [Innocent "Facerape" Can Result in Fines]”, in SVT Nyheter, sourced from TT News Agency:
      Facebook-användare utsätts dagligen för brott – i synnerhet för falska statusuppdateringar, så kallade facerapes. [] Så kallad facerape kan ses som en omskrivning för det som egentligen är ett dataintrång – ett brott som kan ge dagsböter eller upp till två års fängelse.
      Facebook users are subjected to crimes daily – particularly false status updates, known as facerapes. [] So-called facerape can be seen as a euphemism for what is actually unauthorized computer access – a crime that can result in fines or up to two years in prison.
    • 2013 May 16, Karin Lundahl, “Polisen: Kapat konto ovanligt men brottsligt [Police: Hijacked Account Uncommon but Criminal]”, in Hallands Nyheter:
      Även ”facerape”, att skriva på någon annans Facebook som lämnats öppen, kan vara brottsligt.
      Even "facerape," writing on someone else's Facebook account that has been left open, can be considered a crime.


Declension of facerape
nominative genitive
singular indefinite facerape facerapes
definite facerapen facerapens
plural indefinite faceraper facerapers
definite faceraperna facerapernas

Derived terms



  1. ^ Joakim Carlson (2011 January 28) “Krönika: Dags att begrava facerapen [Column: Time to Bury the Facerape]”, in Nöjesguiden (in Swedish):Fenomenet facerapes föddes sannolikt under 2009 och exploderade i popularitet i fjol.The phenomenon of facerape likely originated in 2009 and exploded in popularity last year.