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Affix of facerape +‎ -a (noun→verb). Likely first attested in 2009–2010[1].




  1. (Internet) To facerape.
    • 2011 January 28, Joakim Carlson, “Krönika: Dags att begrava facerapen [Column: Time to Bury the Facerape]”, in Nöjesguiden:
      Bredvid mig i bäddsoffan satt nämligen en något vindögd lekkamrat och facerapeade sig själv, till synes helt obekymrad och tillfreds.
      Next to me on the sofa bed sat a slightly cross-eyed playmate, faceraping himself, seemingly unconcerned and content.


Conjugation of facerapea (weak)
active passive
infinitive facerapea facerapeas
supine facerapeat facerapeats
imperative facerapea
imper. plural1 facerapeen
present past present past
indicative facerapear facerapeade facerapeas facerapeades
ind. plural1 facerapea facerapeade facerapeas facerapeades
subjunctive2 facerapee facerapeade facerapees facerapeades
present participle facerapeande
past participle facerapead

1 Archaic. 2 Dated. See the appendix on Swedish verbs.


  1. ^ Joakim Carlson (2011 January 28) “Krönika: Dags att begrava facerapen [Column: Time to Bury the Facerape]”, in Nöjesguiden (in Swedish):Fenomenet facerapes föddes sannolikt under 2009 och exploderade i popularitet i fjol.The phenomenon of facerape likely originated in 2009 and exploded in popularity last year.