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det vete fan

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Literally "That may the devil know," using the subjunctive vete of veta (to know).



det vete fan

  1. (mildly vulgar) (i have) no idea, who knows
    Hur mycket det kommer kosta? Det vete fan...
    How much it's gonna cost? Who knows...
  2. (mildly vulgar) I don't know (as an expression of being dubious about something)
    Det sägs att det är nyttigt, men det vete fan. Jag ställer mig tveksam.
    They say it's good for you, but I don't know. I have my doubts there.
    Det vete fan om det där kommer funka alltså
    I'm really not so sure that's going to work

Usage notes

  • The subjunctive mood is archaic to obsolete in modern Swedish, except for a few forms like vore and in fixed expressions. Lack of intuition among native speakers has led to the alternative forms below.
  • Sometimes appears as just vete fan. "Jag vete fan" or just "Vete fan" means "I have no idea."
  • Forms without fan are euphemistic.



See also
