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Attested since circa 1300. From Old Galician-Portuguese, from Latin pluviosus. Cognate with Portuguese chuvoso and Spanish lluvioso.





chuvioso (feminine chuviosa, masculine plural chuviosos, feminine plural chuviosas)

  1. rainy
    Antonyms: enxoito, seco
    • c. 1300, R. Martínez López, editor, General Estoria. Versión gallega del siglo XIV, Oviedo: Archivum, page 47:
      disolles em cõmo lles daua em synal o seu arco que paresçe ẽno çeo ẽno tempo chuvioso
      He told them that He was giving them his bow, which appears in the sky in rainy weather,
    • 1885, O Tío Marcos da Portela, II, 60, page 1:
      Poucos terán boas lembranzas do ano que se foi, porque escomenzou mal e non poido acabar pior. O inverno foi crúo, a primadeira esmorecida e chuviosa, o vrau abafante, o outono desleigado. Día por día pasáro-no contando os seus traballos e coitas os labregos, agardando pola súa redención os que viven escravos dos caciques d'aldea, pensando na súa terriña os emigrantes que morren lonxe dela, aduanando falcatruadas os que trunfan e medran á conta dos máis
      Few people will have good memories of last year, because it started badly and couldn't have ended worse: winter was harsh, spring rainy and faint, summer stifling, autumn sloppy. Day after day, the peasant spent their time telling about their troubles and disgraces, waiting for their redemption the ones who live enslaved by the village's richmen, longing their land the emigrants who die far away from her, plotting frauds those who trump and grow at the expense of others.

