bonnach air bois, cha bhruich e is cha loisg
Scottish Gaelic
[edit]bonnach air bois, cha bhruich e is cha loisg
- nothing ventured, nothing gained; no pain, no gain (lit: "a scone on the palm, it does not toast nor does it burn")
- 1882, proverb, A collection of Gaelic proverbs and familiar phrases : based on Macintosh's collection, page 70:
- Bonnach air bois, cha bhruich 's cha loisg.
- A cake on the palm won't toast or burn.
[edit]- am fear nach dèan cur rè latha fuar, cha dèan e buain rè latha teth (“a man who does not plant on a cold day, he will not harvest on a hot day”)
- gheibh cearc an sgrìobain rudeigin, chan fhaigh cearc a' chrùbain dad idir (“the scratching chicken gets something, the squatting chicken gets nothing at all”)
[edit]“bonnach air bois, cha bhruich e is cha loisg” in Am Faclair Beag - Scottish Gaelic Dictionary.