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arpa eólica

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arpa eólica f (plural arpas eólicas)

  1. Aeolian harp

Usage notes

  • Feminine nouns beginning with stressed /ˈa/ like arpa eólica take the singular definite article el (otherwise reserved for masculine nouns) instead of the usual la: el arpa eólica. This includes the contracted forms al and del (instead of a la and de la, respectively): al arpa eólica, del arpa eólica.
These nouns also usually take the indefinite article un that is otherwise used with masculine nouns (although the standard feminine form una is also permitted): un arpa eólica or una arpa eólica. The same is true with determiners algún/alguna and ningún/ninguna, as well as for numerals ending with 1 (e.g., veintiún/veintiuna).
However, if another word intervenes between the article and the noun, the usual feminine singular articles and determiners (la, una etc.) must be used: la mejor arpa eólica, una buena arpa eólica.
  • If an adjective follows the noun, it must agree with the noun's gender regardless of the article used: el arpa eólica única, un(a) arpa eólica buena.
  • In the plural, the usual feminine singular articles and determiners (las, unas etc.) are always used.