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Compound of ande (breath) +‎ drägt (draw, pull). According to SO attested since 1484.



andedrägt c

  1. Archaic form of andedräkt.
    • 1713, Sophia Elisabeth Brenner, “Den Salige Grefwens ytersta Tal.”, in Poetiske Dikter 1[1], page 88:
      Min andedrägt blir tung/ iag märcker grant min Skatt
      My breath grow heavy/ I can see my Treasure beautiful
    • 1739 February 12, “Fortsättning om Regrer.”, in Anmärckningar Wid Swenske Posttidningarne[2], page 3:
      [] , Luften, som infupes i hwarje Andedrägt, Lifsmedlen och Watnet, som brukas til Mat och Dryck, []
      [] ,the Air, which is absorbed in every Breath, the Groceries and the Water, which is used for Food and Drink, []

