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Wiktionary:Word of the day/2024/May 21

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Word of the day
for May 21
Eurafrican n
  1. A person of mixed European and African descent.
    1. An African person with European ancestors.
    2. (South Africa) Synonym of colored (a person having ancestry from more than one of the racial groups of Southern Africa (black, white, and Asian))

Eurafrican adj

  1. Of or relating to the continents of, or countries in, both Europe and Africa; having both European and African characteristics.
  2. Of a person: of mixed European and African descent; (specifically, South Africa) synonym of colored (belonging to a multiracial ethnic group or category, having ancestry from more than one of the racial groups of Southern Africa (black, white, and Asian))
  3. (anthropology, archaic) Of a person: from the parts of Europe and North Africa surrounding the Mediterranean Sea.

Today is the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development or Diversity Day, which is recognized by the United Nations to highlight the value of cultural diversity and the need for people to live together in harmony.

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