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Wiktionary:Word of the day/2022/February 10

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Word of the day
for February 10
roughage n
  1. Originally (archaic), garbage, rubbish, or waste; later (agriculture) the portions of a crop which are discarded, such as husks, stalks, etc.; also, agricultural waste such as weeds.
  2. (agriculture) Coarse or rough plant material such as hay and silage used as animal fodder.
  3. (nutrition) Substances, generally of plant origin, consisting mostly of complex carbohydrates which are undigested when eaten by humans, and which therefore help the passage of food and waste through the alimentary tract; dietary fibre.

Today is World Pulses Day, which is recognized by the United Nations to highlight the nutritional value of pulses and their contribution to sustainable food production and combating malnutrition. Pulses are high in, among other things, roughage or dietary fibre.

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