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Wiktionary:Word of the day/2022/December 4

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Word of the day
for December 4
muddy adj
  1. Covered or splashed with, or full of, mud (wet soil).
  2. Of water or some other liquid: containing mud or (by extension) other sediment in suspension; cloudy, turbid.
  3. Of or relating to mud; also, having the characteristics of mud, especially in colour or taste.
  4. (euphemistic) Soiled with feces.
  5. (archaic) Of an animal or plant: growing or living in mud.
  6. (figuratively)
    1. Dirty, filthy.
    2. Not clear.
      1. Of a colour: not bright: dirty, dull.
      2. Of an image: blurry or dim.
      3. Of light: cloudy, opaque.
      4. Of sound (especially during performance, recording, or playback): indistinct, muffled.
      5. Of speech, thinking, or writing: ambiguous or vague; or confused, incoherent, or mixed-up; also, poorly expressed.
      6. (chiefly literary, poetic) Of the air: not fresh; impure, polluted.
    3. Originally, morally or religiously wrong; corrupt, sinful; now, morally or legally dubious; shady, sketchy.
    4. (archaic) Of a person or their facial expression: angry, sad, or sulky.
    5. (obsolete) Slightly drunk; tipsy. [...]
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