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Wiktionary:Word of the day/2021/June 8

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Word of the day
for June 8
gyre v (literary, poetic)
  1. (intransitive) To spin around; to gyrate, to whirl.
  2. (transitive, rare) To make (something) spin or whirl around.

gyre n

  1. (chiefly literary, poetic)
    1. A swirling vortex.
    2. A circular or spiral motion; also, a circle described by a moving body; a revolution, a turn.
  2. (anatomy, zootomy, archaic) Synonym of gyrus (a fold or ridge on the cerebral cortex of the brain)
  3. (oceanography) An ocean current caused by wind which moves in a circular manner, especially one that is large-scale and observed in a major ocean.

Today is World Oceans Day, a day recognized by the United Nations to highlight the importance of conserving and protecting the world’s oceans.

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