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Wiktionary:Form-of templates

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Form-of templates are used...



At the top of the hierarchy are tens of thousands of dictionary entries such as nests. The English noun section of that entry includes the code {{pl of|nest}} directly, with the language L=English implied. Template:pl of for plural forms is one of hundreds of form-of templates that lie at a low layer of the hierarchy.

At an intermediate stage are the entry templates, which can be used to create new entries depending on the ending of the word. In English, for instance, some inflected forms ending in s are nouns, some are verbs, and some are both. Although nests was not produced by this method, it could have been.

The verb section of nests was produced using the code {{subst:en-s of|nest}}, which expands to {{nth s sim pres of|nest|nth=3}} plus a trailing period. Language-specific form-of templates such as Template:en-s of are a different intermediate layer between the entries and the language-independent form-of templates. These templates must be employed with subst: for substitution. They should only be utilized when the more direct form-of templates are obscure in name.

At the deepest level of the heirarchy is Template:stylized root, which wraps the root term with the appropriate css classes. All language-independent form-of templates must transclude it. Any language-dependent form-of template, prefixed with a two- or three-letter language code, must transclude one or more language-independent form-of templates, as used on a single definition line.

Template:stylized root is deliberately cumbersome and not to be used within any dictionary entry directly. If necessary, the form-of templates can be circumvented using {{form of}} when no other template is appropriate.



Standard abbreviations exist for form-of templates. The version whose name is fully expanded should redirect to the abbreviation is also allowed, except that certain words are necessarily excluded, namely:

of (as the final word)

For instance, "present tense form of" would be abbreviated as "pres" according to the list below. It would also be possible to use the full spelling "present".

Where two abbreviations are given, the first is preferred, and the second should redirect to the first.

abbreviation: abbr, abbrev
abessive: abes
ablative: abl (both conflict with other templates, as of now H. (talk) 12:18, 2 October 2007 (UTC)), proposal: ablat[reply]
absolute: abs
accusative: acc
active: act
adessive: ades
allative: all
alternative: alt
apocopic: apoc
active: act
attributive: attr
combination: comb
comitative: comit
common: c
comparative: comp
conditional: cond
connegative: conneg
contraction: contr
dative: dat
definite: def
demonstrative: demon
elative: elat
essive: ess
feminine: f
fifth: 5th
first: 1st
formal: form
fourth: 4th
future: fut
genitive: gen
gerund: ger
illative: ill
imperfect: imperf
imperative: imper
impersonal: impers
indefinite: indef
indicative: indic
inessive: ines
infinitive: inf
informal: inform
instructive: instr
interrogative: inter
intransitive: intr
irregular: irreg
masculine: m
negative: neg
neuter: n
nominative: nom
participle: part
partitive: partit
passive: pas
perfect: perf
personal: pers
plural: pl, p (all three conflict with other templates, as of now H. (talk) 12:18, 2 October 2007 (UTC)) proposal: plur[reply]
positive: pos
possessive: posses
potential: pot
predicative: predic
present: pres
preterite: pret
progressive: prog
pronominal: pron
reflexive: refl
relative: rel
second: 2nd
simple: sim
singular: s, sing
spelling: spell
subjunctive: subj
superlative: super
supine: sup
third: 3rd
transitive: tr
translative: transl
vocative: voc

Since all of the abbreviations are reserved for a specific use, for some words an abbreviation has not been established. A convenient abbreviation may expand to the full word via redirect. Abbreviations such as "trans" may vary depending on context and are not listed above, although they may also redirect be allowed for convenience. For instance, "pp" is not reserved, so Template:pp of redirects to Template:past part of for the past participle for English it is used for past participle, where the standard "past part" also works.

Suffixes are allowed as "-suffix". Certain words are too short to be abbreviated:

in: in
long: long
of: of (excluded when final)
past: past
short: short

Ordinals are passed as nth=number. If useful for a particular language, these can be called indirectly and abbreviated as "1st", "2nd", etc.