User:Visviva/Medical/By links/T
- thorough-pin - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
- American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1919)
- thorough-pin (thur'o-pin). i. Synovial distention of the sheath of the flexor perforans tendon of the horse, causing a swelling on each side of the hollow of the hock. a. Synovial distention on the posterior surface of the carpal joint, or knee of the foreleg of the horse.
- American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1922)
- thorough-pin (thurVpin). A distention of the synovial sheath of the flexor perforans tendon of the horse at the hock-joint; also a similar distention on the carpal joint of the foreleg.
- A Practical Medical Dictionary (Stedman, 1922)
- thorough-pin (thur'o-pin). i. Synovial distention of the sheath of the flexor perforans tendon of the horse, causing a swelling on each side of the hollow of the hock. a. Synovial distention on the posterior surface of the carpal joint, or knee of the foreleg of the horse.
- American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1919)
- thymopathy - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
- The Practitioner's Medical Dictionary (Gould, 1919)
- thymopathy (thi-motf -alh-e) i. [thymus; r&Bot,
- American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1919)
- thymop'athy [G. thymos, thymus, the mind, -r pathos, suffering.] i. Any disease of the thymos gland, a. Any mental disease.
- American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1922)
- thymopathy (thi-mop'ath-e). i. [Or. Oytifa mind + irdflos suffering.] Any mental affection or disease. 2. (Gr. 06/io; thymus + ir&9m suffering.) Any disease of the thymus.
- A Practical Medical Dictionary (Stedman, 1922)
- thymop'athy [G. thymos, thymus, the mind, -r pathos, suffering.] i. Any disease of the thymos gland, a. Any mental disease.
- The Practitioner's Medical Dictionary (Gould, 1919)
- tocomania - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
- The Practitioner's Medical Dictionary (Gould, 1919)
- tocomania. See tokomania.
- American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1919)
- tocoma'nia [G. tokos, birth, + mania, frenzy.] Puerperal mania.
- American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1922)
- tocomania (to-ko-ma'ne-ah) [Gr. T&icos labor + /mriii m.i'li i Puerperal mania.
- A Practical Medical Dictionary (Stedman, 1922)
- tocoma'nia [G. tokos, birth, + mania, frenzy.] Puerperal mania.
- The Practitioner's Medical Dictionary (Gould, 1919)
- trabal - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
- The Practitioner's Medical Dictionary (Gould, 1919)
- trabal (Ira'-baty [trabs, beam]. Pertaining to the trabs cerebri; callosal.
- American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1919)
- trab'al. Relating to the trabs cerebri, callosal.
- American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1922)
- trabal (tra'bal). Pertaining to the trabs.
- A Practical Medical Dictionary (Stedman, 1922)
- trab'al. Relating to the trabs cerebri, callosal.
- The Practitioner's Medical Dictionary (Gould, 1919)
- trabs - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
- The Practitioner's Medical Dictionary (Gould, 1919)
- trabs (trabt) [L., "a beam"]. The corpus callosum; called also trabs cerebri.
- American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1922)
- trabs (trabz) [L. for "beam"]. The corpus callosum. Called also trabs cerebri.
- The Practitioner's Medical Dictionary (Gould, 1919)
- tractus - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
- American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1922)
- tractus (trak'tus). Latin for tract, t. centra'lis, any central tract, t. iliotibia'lis [B N A], the iliotibial band. t. plfacto'rhis [B N A], olfactory tract, t. op'ticus fB N A], the optic tract, t. solita'rius ' B N A), the solitary fasciculus. See fasciculus, t. spira'lis foraminulen'tus, the macula cibrosa quarta. t. spira'lis ner'vi trigem'ini [B N A], the ascending root of the trigeminal nerve.
- American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1922)
- transversalis - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
- The Practitioner's Medical Dictionary (Gould, 1919)
- transversalis (trans-vcr-sa'-lis) [trans-; verttret to turn]. Transverse; an artery (transversaltscolli)ortL muscle (transversalis abdominis) running transversely. See under artery and under muscle, t. fascia, the fascia on the inner surface of the transversalis abdominis between the latter and the peritoneum.
- The Practitioner's Medical Dictionary (Gould, 1919)
- trichosis - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
- The Practitioner's Medical Dictionary (Gould, 1919)
- trichosis (trUt-o'-tis) [flpi{, hair; fi*m, disease]. Any morbid affection of the hair. t. athrix. Synonym of alopecia, t. decolor, morbid discoloration of the hair, t. distrix. Synonym of trichoptilosis. t. hirsuties. Same as hirsulies. t. plica. See plica potcmica and trichomatosis. t. poliosis. See canities. t. sensitiva, a sensitive state of the scalp; any manipulation causing pain. t. setosa, a disease in which the hair grows thick, rigid, and bristly.
- American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1919)
- trichosis (tri-ko'sis) [G. thrix(trich-), hair.] i. Any disease of the hair, trichonosus, trichopathy. a. Abnormal growth of the hair, or growth of hair in an abnormal location, t. a'thrix, alopecia, t. carun'cule, a growth of hair on the lacrymal
- A Practical Medical Dictionary (Stedman, 1922)
- trichosis (tri-ko'sis) [G. thrix(trich-), hair.] i. Any disease of the hair, trichonosus, trichopathy. a. Abnormal growth of the hair, or growth of hair in an abnormal location, t. a'thrix, alopecia, t. carun'cule, a growth of hair on the lacrymal
- The Practitioner's Medical Dictionary (Gould, 1919)
- trigonum - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
- The Practitioner's Medical Dictionary (Gould, 1919)
- trigonum (tri-go'-num) [rpi-ywat, three cornered]. A triangle; also the interpeduncular space; and see trigonc. t. acustici, a three-cornered space on the dorsal surface of the medulla, t cerebrate. Synonym of fornix cerebri. t. cervicale, the base of the dorsal gray cornu of the spinal cord. t. clavipectorale, a triangle of the chest. Its boundaries are the clavicle, the pectoralis minor muscle, and the thorax. t. collateral, a triangular area at the j unction of the posterior and inferior horns of the lateral ventricles. t. colli medianurn, relating to the space occupied by the two anterior triangles of the neck. t. coraco•cromiale, a triangular space whose boundaries are the coracoid process, the apex of the acromion, and the concave border of the clavicle, t. deltoideopectorale, the infraclavicular fossa, t. dorsale, the space between the anterior pair of the corpora quadrigemina. t. femorale, Scarpa's triangle, t. fluctuans, the posterior cerebral commissure, t habenulte, the triangular space behind the upper surface of the optic thalamus, in front of the lamina quadrigemina, and between the sulcus habenulae and the sulcus subpinealis. t. hypoglossi, a triangular space on the dorsal surface of the oblongata. Its boundaries are, above, the striae medullares acusticae, internally, the posterior longitudinal fissure, and, externally, the ala cinerea. t. inferius commissune postcrioris, the lower triangular half of the posterior commissure of the brain, t. lemnisci, the fillet, t. lumbale. See Pelit's triangle, t. olfactorium. See Broca's olfactory area. t. pensile, the posterior cerebral commissure, t. vagi, a small, triangular space on the medulla oblongata, marking the origin of the vagus nerve, t. ventriculilateralis, a triangular projection located between the entrances to the posterior and descending horns of the lateral ventricle, t. vesica, the triangular surface of the bladder immediately behind the urethral orifice.
- Appleton's Medical Dictionary (1915)
- trigonum (tri-go'num). A triangle; in the brain, the interpeduncular space. t. acustlci. A triangular space on the dorsal surface of the medulla, bounded superiorly by the auditory nerve, internally by the t. hypoglossi, and externally by the corpus restiforme, t. carotlcum supcrlus. See superior carotid triangle, under triangle, t. ccrebralc. See fornix cerebri, under fornix. t. clavifiectorale. A triangular space bounded >y the clavicle, the pectoralis minor, and the thorax, t. coraco-acromlalc. The t. formed by the coracoid process, the apex of the acromion, and the concave border of the clavicle, t. cubitale. See fossa cubiti, under fossa, t, dcltoldeopcctorale. See infraclavicular fossa, t. durum. The triangular interval between the anterior pair of the corpora quadrigemina. t. habenulae. A small triangular area at the posterior portion of the upper surface of the optic thalamus, in front of the lamina quadrigemina and between the sulcus habenulae and the sulcus subpinealis. t. hypoglossi. A triangular area on the dorsal surface of the medulla oblongata, bounded superiorly by the striae medullares acusticae, internally by the posterior longitudinal fissure, and externally by the ala cinerea. t. inferius commissurae posterloris. The lower triangular half of the posterior commissure of the brain. t. infraclavlculare. See infraclavicular fossa, under fossa, t. inguinale. See Scarpa s triangle, under Scarpa, t. submaxillary. See submaxillary triangle, under triangle, t. subpineale. A triangular fossa above the quadrigemina, formed by the median fissure, that rises abruptly from the velum medullare. It lodges the pineal gland, t. supcrlus commissurae posterloris. The portion of the posterior commissure of the brain connected with the anterior portion of the pineal gland, t. vagi. The narrow triangular area on the medulla oblongata, from which the vagus nerve arises, t. ventriculi lateralis. A triangular projection between the en
- American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1922)
- trigonum (tri-go'num) [L.; Gr. rplyuvov triangle]. Any triangular space or patch, t. acus'tici, a triangular area on the lower half of the dorsal surface of the medulla, bounded externally by
- The Practitioner's Medical Dictionary (Gould, 1919)
- trochantin - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
- The Practitioner's Medical Dictionary (Gould, 1919)
- trochantin (Iro-kan'-tin) [trochanler]. The lesser trochanter.
- American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1919)
- trochantin (tro-kan'tin). Trochanter minor.
- American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1922)
- trochantin (tro-kan'tin). The lesser trochanter.
- A Practical Medical Dictionary (Stedman, 1922)
- trochantin (tro-kan'tin). Trochanter minor.
- The Practitioner's Medical Dictionary (Gould, 1919)
- tuberon - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
- American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1922)
- tuberon (tu'ber-on). An oily ketone from the volatile oil of tuberose.
- American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1922)
- tubulus - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
- The Practitioner's Medical Dictionary (Gould, 1919)
- tubulus (M'-M-hu) \tubiilu>, a small tube: pi., tub«t:\. A small tube-like organ; a tubule.
- American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1919)
- tu'bulus [L. dim. of tuba.} A tubule, t. contor'tus, (i) t. renalis contortus; (a) t. seminiferus contortus. t. bilif'erus, ductus biliferus. t. denta'lis, dentinal tubule, canaliculus dentalis. t. galactoph'orus, t. lactif'erus, ductus lactiferus. t. rectus, (i) t. renalis rectus; (2) t. seminiferus rectus. t. rena'lis contor'tus [BNA], convoluted tubule of the kidney; the first, proximal, or primary leads from the capsule; the second or distal is formed from the ascending limb of Henle's loop which enters the labyrinth; it ends in a collecting tube. t. rena'lis rec'tus [BNA], one of the straight or collecting tubules* of the kidney, t. seminiferus contor'tus [BNA], convoluted seminiferous tubule, one of two or three twisted curved tubules in each lobule of the testis, conveying the semen to the rete testis. t. seminiferus rectus [BNA], straight seminiferous tubule, the t. seminiferus contortus which becomes straight just before entering the mediastinum to form the rete testis. t. spiralis, the wavy portion of the uriniferous tubule where it passes through a medullary ray to become the descending limb of Henle's loop.
- A Practical Medical Dictionary (Stedman, 1922)
- tu'bulus [L. dim. of tuba.} A tubule, t. contor'tus, (i) t. renalis contortus; (a) t. seminiferus contortus. t. bilif'erus, ductus biliferus. t. denta'lis, dentinal tubule, canaliculus dentalis. t. galactoph'orus, t. lactif'erus, ductus lactiferus. t. rectus, (i) t. renalis rectus; (2) t. seminiferus rectus. t. rena'lis contor'tus [BNA], convoluted tubule of the kidney; the first, proximal, or primary leads from the capsule; the second or distal is formed from the ascending limb of Henle's loop which enters the labyrinth; it ends in a collecting tube. t. rena'lis rec'tus [BNA], one of the straight or collecting tubules* of the kidney, t. seminiferus contor'tus [BNA], convoluted seminiferous tubule, one of two or three twisted curved tubules in each lobule of the testis, conveying the semen to the rete testis. t. seminiferus rectus [BNA], straight seminiferous tubule, the t. seminiferus contortus which becomes straight just before entering the mediastinum to form the rete testis. t. spiralis, the wavy portion of the uriniferous tubule where it passes through a medullary ray to become the descending limb of Henle's loop.
- The Practitioner's Medical Dictionary (Gould, 1919)