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User:Visviva/Medical/By links/Caps

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Caps - A - C - M - P - S - T

  1. Adv - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1919)
      Adv. Abbreviation for L. adver'sum, against.
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1922)
      Adv. Abbreviation for L. advcr'sum, against.
  2. Bilharzia - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1922)
      Bilharzia (bil-har'ze-ah) {for T. BUHarz]. A genus of flukes or trcmatodes. SeeSckistosomahamolobium.
    • A Practical Medical Dictionary (Stedman, 1922)
      Bilhar'zia [Theodor Bilharz, German helminthologist, 1825-1862.] A genus of trematode worms, now called Schistosomum.
  3. But - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1919)
      But. Abbreviation for L. buty'rum. butter.
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1922)
      But. Abbreviation for L. buty'rum, butter.
  4. Cap - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1919)
      Cap. Abbreviation for L. ca'piat, let him take.
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1922)
      Cap. Abbreviation for L. ca'piat, let him take.
  5. Cb - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • The Practitioner's Medical Dictionary (Gould, 1919)
      Cb. B. Abbreviation for Chirurtia Baccalaweui, Bachelor of Surgery.
  6. Cel - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • The Practitioner's Medical Dictionary (Gould, 1919)
      Cel. Abbreviation for Celsius, scale of thermometer.
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1919)
      Cel. Abbreviation for Celsius. (The Celsius thermometric scale.)
  7. Color - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1922)
      Color. Abbreviation for L. colore'tur, let it be colored.
  8. Comp - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1922)
      Comp. Abbreviation for L. eompos'itui, compound.
  9. Contin - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1922)
      Contin. Abbreviation for L. conlinuf'lur, let it be continued.
  10. Cort - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1922)
      Cort. Abbreviation for L. cor'tex, bark.
  11. DR - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1922)
      DR. Abbreviation for reaction of degeneration.
  12. Div - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1922)
      Div. Abbreviation for L. dit'ide, divide.
  13. Hor - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1922)
      Hor. un. spatio. Abbreviation for L. ho'rauni'us spa'tio, at the end of an hour.
  14. Ht - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1919)
      Ht. Abbreviation for total hyperopia.
    • A Practical Medical Dictionary (Stedman, 1922)
      Ht. Abbreviation for total hyperopia.
  15. IK - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1919)
      IK [Ger. immun-korper.] Spengler's tuberculin.* Also a preparation, on the same principle as the tuberculin, for use in epidemic influenza.
    • A Practical Medical Dictionary (Stedman, 1922)
      IK [Ger. immun-korper.] Spengler's tuberculin.* Also a preparation, on the same principle as the tuberculin, for use in epidemic influenza.
  16. KOC - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • The Practitioner's Medical Dictionary (Gould, 1919)
      KOC. Abbreviation for cathodal opening contraction.
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1919)
      KOC. Abbreviation for cathodal opening contraction ; also written COC.
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1922)
      KOC. An abbreviation for kathodal opening contraction.
    • A Practical Medical Dictionary (Stedman, 1922)
      KOC. Abbreviation for cathodal opening contraction ; also written COC.
  17. KST - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1922)
      KST. Abbreviation for kathodal closing tetanus.
  18. Mitt - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1922)
      Mitt. sang. Abbreviation for L. mit'it san'guinem, bleed.
  19. Mor - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1919)
      Mor.i x -Ax'enfeld diplobacill'us [Victor Morax, Paris physician, contemporary; Alexander Axenfeld, Paris physician, nineteenth century.] Bacillus conjunctivitidis, an organism causing conjunctivitis of a rather mild type.
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1922)
      Mor. diet. Abbreviation for I . mo're dic'to, in the manner directed.
    • A Practical Medical Dictionary (Stedman, 1922)
      Mor.i x -Ax'enfeld diplobacill'us [Victor Morax, Paris physician, contemporary; Alexander Axenfeld, Paris physician, nineteenth century.] Bacillus conjunctivitidis, an organism causing conjunctivitis of a rather mild type.
  20. Part - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1922)
      Part. vie. Abbreviation for L. par'tibus vi'cibus, in divided doses.
  21. Ph - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • The Practitioner's Medical Dictionary (Gould, 1919)
      Ph.G. Abbreviation for (i) Graduate in Pharmacy; (2) German Pharmacopoeia.
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1919)
      Ph. G. I. Abbreviation for Pharmacoposia germanica, German Pharmacopoeia. 2. Abbreviation for graduate in Pharmacy.
    • Appleton's Medical Dictionary (1915)
      Ph.]. liquor hydrargyri perchloridl.
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1922)
      Ph.G. i. Abbreviation for Graduate in Pharmacy. 2. Abbreviation for Pharmacoptria germanicar German pharmacopccia.
    • A Practical Medical Dictionary (Stedman, 1922)
      Ph. G. I. Abbreviation for Pharmacoposia germanica, German Pharmacopoeia. 2. Abbreviation for graduate in Pharmacy.
  22. Phar - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • The Practitioner's Medical Dictionary (Gould, 1919)
      Phar.D. Abbreviation for Pharmacitg Doctor, Doctor of Pharmacy.
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1919)
      Phar. D. Abbreviation of Doctor of Pharmacy.
    • A Practical Medical Dictionary (Stedman, 1922)
      Phar. D. Abbreviation of Doctor of Pharmacy.
  23. Quint - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1922)
      Quint. Abbreviation for L. quin'lus, fifth.
  24. Sed - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1922)
      Sed. Abbreviation for L. se'des, stool.
  25. Semih - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1922)
      Semih. Abbreviation for L. semiho'ra, half an hour.
  26. Sept - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1922)
      Sept. Abbreviation for L. sep'tem, seven.
  27. Sig - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1922)
      Sig. n. pro. Abbreviation for L. sig'na nom'inc pro'prio, label with the proper name.
  28. Syr - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1922)
      Syr. An abbreviation for syrupus.
  29. Tn - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1919)
      Tn. Abbreviation for normal intraocular tension.
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1922)
      Tn. Symbol for normal intra-ocular tension.
    • A Practical Medical Dictionary (Stedman, 1922)
      Tn. Abbreviation for normal intraocular tension.
  30. Trid - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1922)
      Trid. Abbreviation for L. trid'uum, three days.
  31. Ves - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1922)
      Ves. Abbreviation for L. vcs'ica, the bladder.
  32. Vs - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1922)
      Vs. B. Abbreviation for L. venasec'tio bra'ckii, bleeding in the arm.