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  1. metria - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • The Practitioner's Medical Dictionary (Gould, 1919)
      metria (me'-tre-ah) [metra]. Any uterine affection. The term is used also as a synonym of puerperal fever.
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1919)
      me'tria [G. metra, womb.] Pelvic cellulitls or other Inflammatory affection In the puerperal period.
    • A Practical Medical Dictionary (Stedman, 1922)
      me'tria [G. metra, womb.] Pelvic cellulitls or other Inflammatory affection In the puerperal period.
  2. micropus - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • The Practitioner's Medical Dictionary (Gould, 1919)
      micropus (mi-kro'-pus) [micro-; *6vt, foot]. Abnormal smallness of the feet; a congenital defect.
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1919)
      mi'cropus [G. mikros, small, + pous, foot.] A person with very small feet.
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1922)
      micropus (mik'ro-pus) [Gr. iunp6t small + rain foot). A person with abnormally small feet.
    • A Practical Medical Dictionary (Stedman, 1922)
      mi'cropus [G. mikros, small, + pous, foot.] A person with very small feet.
  3. mollities - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1922)
      mollities (mol-ish'e-ez) [L.]. Softness; abnormal softening, m. os'sium, osteomalacia. m. un guium, abnormal softness of the nails.
  4. monops - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • The Practitioner's Medical Dictionary (Gould, 1919)
      monops (mon'-ops). See cyclops.
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1919)
      mon'ops [G. monos, single, + dps. eye.] Cyclops, monophthalmus.
    • Appleton's Medical Dictionary (1915)
      monops (mon'ops). See cyclops. [Gr., monos, single, + ops, eye.J
    • A Practical Medical Dictionary (Stedman, 1922)
      mon'ops [G. monos, single, + dps. eye.] Cyclops, monophthalmus.
  5. morrhua - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • The Practitioner's Medical Dictionary (Gould, 1919)
      morrhua (mor'-u-ah) \L.;gen.,morrhu(E]. The cod. morrhuiE, emulsum olei (U. S. P.), a mixture of codliver oil, acacia, syrup, oil of g.iultheria. and water. Dose 2 dr. (8 Cc.). morrhtue, emulsum olei, cum hypophosphitibus (U. S. P.), emulsion of cod-liver oil
    • Appleton's Medical Dictionary (1915)
      morrhua (mor'ru-ah). See Gadus. oleum hepatis morrhnac, oleum morrhuae. See cod-liver oil [U. S. Ph., Br. Ph.].
  6. muscardin - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1922)
      muscardin (mus'kar-din). Any disease of silkworms caused by Hairy1 tis Ixmia'na,
  7. myeloplast - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • The Practitioner's Medical Dictionary (Gould, 1919)
      myeloplast (mi'-el-o-plast) (myelo-; xXwrrAt, shaped] The peculiar cells of the bone-marrow resembling leukocytes.
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1919)
      my'eloplast [G. myelos, marrow, + plastos, formed.] An ameboid cell resembling a large lymphocyte, in the bone-marrow.
    • A Practical Medical Dictionary (Stedman, 1922)
      my'eloplast [G. myelos, marrow, + plastos, formed.] An ameboid cell resembling a large lymphocyte, in the bone-marrow.
  8. myelosis - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • The Practitioner's Medical Dictionary (Gould, 1919)
      myelosis (mi-el-o'-sis) [myelon]. The growth or existence of a myeloma.
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1919)
      myelo'sis. I. The formation of a myeloma or medullary tumor. 2. Myelocythemia.
    • Appleton's Medical Dictionary (1915)
      myelosis (mi-de'sis). i. Putrefaction. 2. A purulent discharge from the eyelids. [Gr., mydesis.]
    • A Practical Medical Dictionary (Stedman, 1922)
      myelo'sis. I. The formation of a myeloma or medullary tumor. 2. Myelocythemia.
  9. myocytoma - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • The Practitioner's Medical Dictionary (Gould, 1919)
      myocytoma (mi-o-si-to'-mah) [myo-; cytoma]. A tumor in which the chief cells are muscle cells.
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1919)
      myocytoma (mi-o-si-to'mah). A tumor composed chiefly of myocytes, or muscle-cells.
    • A Practical Medical Dictionary (Stedman, 1922)
      myocytoma (mi-o-si-to'mah). A tumor composed chiefly of myocytes, or muscle-cells.
  10. myogen - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • The Practitioner's Medical Dictionary (Gould, 1919)
      myogen (mi'-o-ien). i. See myosinogtn. 2. A dietetic prepared from blood-serum of cattle.
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1919)
      my'ogen [G. mys, muscle, + gennao, I produce.] A coagulable albumin of the muscle-plasma; myosin, or more properly myosinogen.
    • Appleton's Medical Dictionary (1915)
      myogen (mi'o-jen). A simple protein of the albumin class, obtained from muscle; heat coagulation 55°-6s° C. m. flbrln. An insoluble modification of myogen, formed spontaneously in solutions of the latter. [Gr., mys, muscle, + gennan, to produce.]
    • A Practical Medical Dictionary (Stedman, 1922)
      my'ogen [G. mys, muscle, + gennao, I produce.] A coagulable albumin of the muscle-plasma; myosin, or more properly myosinogen.
  11. myometritis - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • The Practitioner's Medical Dictionary (Gould, 1919)
      myometritis (mi-o-met-ri'-tif). Innammation of the uterine muscular tissue.
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1919)
      myometritis (mi-o-me-tri'(tre')tis) [G. mys, muscle, + mitra, uterus, + -itis.] Inflammation of the muscular wall of the uterus.
    • A Practical Medical Dictionary (Stedman, 1922)
      myometritis (mi-o-me-tri'(tre')tis) [G. mys, muscle, + mitra, uterus, + -itis.] Inflammation of the muscular wall of the uterus.
  12. myomotomy - load - verify - check links - defined elsewhere
    • The Practitioner's Medical Dictionary (Gould, 1919)
      myomotomy (mi-o-mot'-o-me). See myomcdomy.
    • American Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1919)
      myomot'omy [G. toml, incision.] Myomectomy.
    • A Practical Medical Dictionary (Stedman, 1922)
      myomot'omy [G. toml, incision.] Myomectomy.