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en-GB This user is a native speaker of British English.
fr-2 Cette utilisatrice dispose de connaissances intermédiaires en français.
it-2 Questa utente può contribuire con un livello intermedio in italiano.
ang-2 Þeos bruceren understent Ænglisc geþeode gemetlice.
gem-pro-2 Hijō neutandī sumą kunþiją Þiudiskōniz tungōniz habaiþi.
non-2 Þessum njót es stirt norrœnt mál.
is-1 Þessi notandi hefur grunnkunnáttu í íslensku máli.
fo-1 Hesin brúkarin hevur grundleggjandi vitan um føroyskt.
de-1 Diese Benutzerin beherrscht Deutsch auf grundlegendem Niveau.
cy-1 Mae'r defnyddiwr hwn yn medru'r Gymraeg ar lefel sylfaen.
gd-1 Tha comas labhairt bunaiteach sa Ghàidhlig aig a' chleachdaiche seo.
sga-1 Attá foglaimm bunaid inna Sen-Goídilce ocin scríbnid se.
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I'm Silver - a compulsive studyholic and lover of trivial facts. I'm currently a Physics student at the University of Melbourne, Australia, but pursue linguistics in my spare time.

My interests lie in the Northern Eurasian language families - specifically Celtic, Germanic, Uralic, and Tungusic. I also contribute to the pages on the Salish family of America's Pacific Northwest. I try and help document the often underrepresented dialects of these language groups. I also have a keen interest in the names of plants, birds, body parts, and minerals. I have dedicated user pages for these, which I use to assemble documentation and hypotheses before committing them to the Wiktionary pages proper.

Language preservation is very important to me, and I try to help in the recording of endangered languages on Wiktionary whenever I can. If you see a mistake in some of my work, please do point it out to me and show me where I can improve - I love learning, and strive to become a useful member of the Wiktionary community.

Silver's Accent


Rather strong English West Midlands (Coventry) accent, though markedly different from a Birmingham/Black Country accent. Midland accents, at least from the Coventry area, are ultimately classified as "Northern", however, they have been influenced by a feature creep of characteristics of the more northern types of "Southern" accents, such as those from places like Oxford and Northampton. One of these is the vowels used in 'cup/shut/mum' type words. However, the Northern pronunciation remains in words that are spelled with a double-o, such as 'room/roof/broom' - this may be a post-Victorian hypercorrection, but may also represent a genuine relic. The "Southern" long-a vowel is also creeping into the Midlands dialects, and has been since the widespread adoption of radio and popular media in the 1940's and 50's. The traditional short-a sound is becoming more and more scarce, though is passed on through speakers such as myself, who had a great deal of interaction with older generations (grandparents and great-grandparents) during childhood. The influence of Estuary English in the past 40 years or so is really eliminating regional accents among especially the urban working-class youth. It has become fashionable to adopt the "Chav" accent, or alternatively the Black South-London accent (predominantly Black Brixton accent), both of which are commonly presented in British rap music. I imagine, by the time my grandchildren are the age I am now (early 20's), the patchwork of accents I grew up hearing will be nothing but historical record, and will instead be replaced with the likes of 'ladz-ladz-ladz', 'bruv', 'cuz', 'innit', 'yoo-wot-mate', and 'dat-iz-mint'.

  • tissue: [ˈtʰɪʃuː] (palatised/affricates, characteristic of Northern accents)
  • tuna: [ˈt͡ʃuːnæ] (palatised/affricates, characteristic of Northern accents)
  • stupid: [ˈst͡ʃuːˌpʰɪd] (palatised/affricates, characteristic of Northern accents)
  • tune: [ˈt͡ʃuːn] (palatised/affricates, characteristic of Northern accents)
  • bath, path, grass: [ˈbæθ], [ˈpʰæθ], [ˈgɹæs] (short front 'a' vowel, characteristic of Northern accents)
  • room, broom, roof: [ˈɹʊm], [ˈbɹʊm], [ˈɹʊf] (short rounded 'u' vowel, characteristic of Midland accents)
  • cup, shut, mum: [ˈkʰʌpʰ], [ˈʃʌtʰ], [ˈmʌm] (unrounded 'u' vowel, characteristic of Southern accents)
  • poor, door, moor: [ˈpʰʊə], [ˈdʊə] [ˈmʊə] (diphthong before 'r' present, characteristic of Midland accents, also present in Welsh and Welsh Border accents, which I find particularly interesting)
  • horse, hoarse: [ˈhɔːs], [ˈhɔːs] (horse-hoarse merger present, characteristic of Midland accents)
  • cheer, chair: ['t͡ʃiːˌjə], [ˈt͡ʃɛː] (cheer-chair distinction present, characteristic of all English accents)
  • tyre, tower, tar: [ˈtʰaɪˌjə], [ˈtʰaʊˌwə], [ˈtʰɑː] (distinction present, characteristic of all English accents)
  • fury, furry: [ˈfjɔːˌɹi], [ˈfɜːˌɹi] (distinction present, characteristic of all English accents)
  • bit, back tap: [bɪtʰ], [bækʰ], [tʰæpʰ] (word-final aspiration of t, p, and k present, characteristic of Northern accents)

Some Dialectal Words

  • spudgie [spʰʌd͡ʒi] - sparrow.
  • ruddock [ɹʌdɔkʰ] - robin.
  • mew [mjuw] - seagull.
  • speight [spʰeɪtʰ] - woodpecker.
  • clough [klʌf] - small moorland stream, usually running from high ground, may be seasonal.
  • tarmac [tʰɑːmækʰ] - blacktop, asphalt.
  • yaffle [jæfl̩] - woodpecker.
  • SPG [ɛspʰid͡ʒi] - rat, mouse (after the mouse in the popular TV show, The Young Ones).
  • rinnel [ɹɪnl̩] - small stream, channel.
  • scrump [skɹʌmpʰ] - to hunt for (and to steal) apples in the summer.
  • causey [kʰɔːzi] - pavement, shortened form of causeway.
  • dickie-bird [dɪkʰi bɜːd] - finch, siskin, bluetit (any of the small, colourful songbirds).
  • spetchel [spʰɛt͡ʃl̩] - splinter, sliver.
  • slag [slæg] - promiscuous woman (vulgar, offensive).
  • tart [tʰɑːtʰ] - promiscuous woman (vulgar, offensive).
  • shrapnel [ʃɹæpʰnl̩] - loose change.
  • gambol [gæmbɔʊl] - to do a forward roll.
  • batch [bæt͡ʃ] - a round bread roll or bun.
  • cut [kʰʌtʰ] - a canal.
  • backend [bækʰɛnd] - autumn.
  • mardy [mɑːdi] - grumpy, sulky, grouchy.
  • mizzle [mɪzl̩] - very fine rain that quickly soaks everything.
  • entry [ɛntɹi] - the passage between two terraced houses leading to the alley behind, where the bins and garages are located.
  • to lob [lɔb] - to throw (usually hard).
  • pump [pʰʌmpʰ] - a black slip-on shoe used for sports class in English schools (which usually take place in a large hall rather than outside).
  • snap [snæpʰ] - packed lunch, after the sound made by metal lunchboxes when closed.
  • to blart [blɑːtʰ] - to cry loudly and dramatically, usually in an attention-seeking way.
  • dannies [dæniːz] - hands, always in the plural.
  • sough [sʌf] - a drain or gutter lining the road.
  • "The Jag" - local name for the Jaguar Car Company, a major local employer, referring to their many plants in Coventry and surrounds.
  • sprog [spɹɔg] - baby.
  • nan [næn] - grandmother.

Silver's Subpages


Salishan Language Pages


Germanic Language Pages


Tungusic Language Pages


Uralic Language Pages


Silver's Favourite Resources



  • Celtiadur - in-progress etymological dictionary and side-by-side comparison of the Celtic languages, being compiled by a fluent speaker of many of the Celtic languages.
  • MacBain's Gaelic Dictionary - a searchable etymological dictionary of Scottish Gaelic from 1911.
  • Am Faclair Beag - an English-Scottish Gaelic dictionary.
  • eDIL - an electronic version of the Dictionary of the Irish Language from the Royal Irish Academy, Cambridge University, and Queen's University Belfast.
  • Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru - The Dictionary of the Welsh Language from the University of Wales, searchable in both Welsh and English. Includes etymological notes about other Celtic languages.
  • Gerlyver Kernewek - The Dictionary of the Cornish Language from the Cornish Language Partnership, searchable in both Cornish (Standard Written Form) and English.
  • Teanglann - an Irish language library, includes Ó'Dónaill's 1977 Irish-English Dictionary, Ó'Dónaill's 1991 Irish Dictionary, De Bhaldraithe's 1959 English-Irish Dictionary, an extensive grammar reference collection, and numerous sound files of native speakers from all the major dialects. Searchable in English and Irish.
  • Manx Dictionary - a work-in-progress English-Manx/Manx-English dictionary.
  • In Dúil Bélrai - a work-in-progress Old Irish-English glossary (also includes a dictionary and a guide to Old Irish on the web) from Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, note that some of the search functions are Irish-input only.
  • Grand Terrier - Francis Favereau's French-Breton dictionary - searchable in Breton and French.

