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da-3 Denne bruger har et avanceret kendskab til dansk.
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la-2 Hic usor lingua Latina mediae difficultatis conferre potest.
no-2 Denne skribenten har god kjennskap til norsk.
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it-2 Quest'utente può contribuire con un livello intermedio in italiano.
is-1 Þessi notandi hefur grunnkunnáttu í íslensku máli.
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American who lived in Denmark for a couple years. I'm in interested in all languages, but time is unaccommodating, so my current studies point toward Latin and its romantic children. In addition to the languages enumerated in my Babel board, I have spent some time on Chinese, Russian, and Hebrew.



I have a terrible fondness for coining new words, so here are a few.



abā/abab (Latin preposition)

  1. (indicating ablation) away from immediately
    Necesse est proficīscī abab hōc oppidō
    It is necessary to depart from this city immediately
  2. (indicating agency or instrumentality) strictly by means of
    Hōc opus factum est abā fīliō meō
    This was was done by my son and my son alone
  3. (indicating association) to/with in the slightest
    Homō sum, hūmānī nihil abā me aliēnum putō
    I am a man, I consider nothing that is human alien to me whatsoever
Reduplication of ab + ā

ascorn (adjective)

  1. caused to be disdainful
Used in the phrase "to set someone ascorn"
A scowl crossed her face as the meager results set her ascorn




  1. cookie jar
From biscuit + θήκη ("box, chest")


  1. the middle portion of pizza toppings not attached to any one slice
From trying to say blunt and joint at the same time
Dude, this pizza's got a bloint gazebo




  1. an unappealing charcuterie spread
From charcuterie with uglier substituted for cuter


  1. one who chooses/must choose
From choose + -ard
I am not the choosard; it is not my hesitation which holds us hostage


  1. mage who performs magic by working themselves into a frothy rage; the mage equivalent of a berserker
From conniption + -er




  1. someone who performs anilingus
From detritivore ("bottom feeder")


  1. incontinence which causes weight loss
From diet + diarrhea




  1. the state of being unable to stop loving someone who doesn't love you back; unrequited love
From ecto- + -cardia + δεσμός ("bond, imprisonment, charm"), lit. "imprisoned outside the heart"



femtodesy (noun), femtodesic (adjective)

  1. nuclear fission (noun), fissile (adjective)
From femto- (from femtometer, the size of a uranium atom) + δαίω meaning both split and burn


  1. to slowly move the hand with the fingers in a walking motion
Inspired by tiptoe
A handful of chills fingerwalked their way up her spine


  1. a male who likes to dress and/or act in a flashy, flamboyant, feminine manner without being homosexual
From flamboyant + tomboy
No, he doesn't like boys, he's just a flamboy




  1. to gild with a glow of gold
May we ever nestle in these giltered dreams


  1. one who chases after social standing and power, usually with little regard for others; clout shark


  1. to grind into whatever one is writhing upon
From grind + writhe
Grithe yourselves to extinction then in your cherished dens of vice


  1. to work horrors upon
  2. to cause someone/something to be gruesome
From gruesome + -ify
You who have gruesified millions seek to be seen as more than terror incarnate?


  1. a state of putting in effort but making no progress; the state of spinning one's wheels
From gyro- + stasis; different from the physics study of rotating bodies, gyrostatics




  1. subconscious or unconscious mind
From hinter- + mind




  1. the molten anti-black you see when rubbing your eyes, after staring at the sun, or during a migraine
From infra- + black; in a similar category to eigengrau




  1. loud noise, din
From alarm; similar to Danish larm, but with an emphasis on the unpleasantness of the noise
Ye sky-larm hell-birds, may ye fall from heaven's breast!




  1. bittersweet homesickness for a future you will never walk
From μέλλον ("future") + nostalgia ("homesickness")
The passing scent of juniper and pine drenched me in a mellonostalgia so thick, I thought I might content myself to freeze within its amber hold


  1. to lament
Back-formation from commiserate, removing the sympathetic aspect com-; from Latin miseror


  1. the coming morning
From morrow + morn; ironic in that they're both archaic terms for morning
Morrowmorn, oh morrowmorn
Hasten to me now
I fear what tricks the dark might play
The wolves with which my heart might howl




  1. to laugh by only blowing air out the nose
From sound association to sniffle




  1. inviting evil
From προσ- (toward) + τρόπος (turn); compare apotropaic
The prostropaic sigils were carved into her very skin as she slept!




  1. hateful, cretinous, cowardly, but dangerous
from scurvy + craven
Yet again our scurven foe has reared his horrid head


  1. an amount of food, usually between meals, that you should not have eaten
From snack + peccadillo ("small sin")

soo (adverb)

  1. to the extent that
  2. very
This is the replacement for the intensifier (not conjunction) so, analogous to how we have to and too
So, that was soo crazy!
I can only throw it soo far


  1. a term of endearment for goths and Halloween enthusiasts
From spook + snookums


  1. one who dreams dreams or sees visions
  2. one who causes others to dream or see visions
From sweven + -eer; one phoneme off souvenir, which is French for "remember", hinting that the visions you receive are merely secrets you've forgotten
Come, let us visit the sweveneer and rid you of these shallow visions




  1. to stutter as one sighs
From twitch + wither
As the beast locked eyes with me, I twithered out a breath




  1. to forge with ugliness
This differs from the obsolete uggle, meaning to make something (that already exists) dirty. This meaning implies ugliness woven into the very fibers of the subject's being.
Their uggled faces kindle naught but the basest hatred in my belly




  1. a text that causes a paradigm shift; a seminal work in written form
From vertex + text
Dante's Comedia was a vertext in both the popular conception of hell and the Italian language



wam, wart, wis, ware

  1. past imperfect conjugations of to be
Used to indicate an unfinished past state. "I was a student" implies that you are no longer a student while "I wam a student" implies that though the story is in the past, you are still a student.
Proposed Imperfect of "to be"
Singular Plural
First wam ware
Second wart ware
Third wis ware




  1. yes man (subordinate to superior)
  2. authority who easily grants permission
Of course she asked grandpa, he's such a yesmonger