User:HippieBot/Entries in Encarta online not in Wiktionary/23
- desm-
- destructive metabolism
- detached retina
- detail drawing
- detail set
- detention center
- detoxification under anesthesia
- deutsche mark
- developing agent
- development area
- devils' camp
- devoré
- dew pond
- dew worm
- dextr-
- dg
- dharmashala
- dhobi mark
- dhobiwallah
- diachronism
- diamond point
- diamond ring effect
- diamond turbot
- diamond willow
- diazotype
- dicalcium phosphate
- dicht
- dicken
- die man
- dielectric lens
- diesel fuel
- diesel oil
- dietary laws
- diethyl toluamide
- differential amplifier
- differential coefficient
- differential rotation
- differentiated product
- diffraction ring
- diffusion pump
- digestive gland
- digger bee
- digital audiotape
- digital coin
- digital coins
- digital display
- digital economy
- digital encryption standard
- digital envelope
- digital imagery
- digital logic
- digital object identifier
- digital ophthalmic imaging
- digital radiography
- digital recording
- digital subtraction angiography
- digital tablet
- digital timestamp
- digital video disk
- digital video disk-ROM
- digitizing tablet
- digits deleted
- dilutive effect
- dim-out
- dime-store
- dimethylsilicon chloride
- diminishing marginal utility
- dinner dance
- dinner service
- dinner-plating
- dip.
- diphosphoglyceric acid
- dipropellant
- direct connection
- direct discourse
- direct distance dialing
- direct dye
- direct estimate method
- direct evidence
- direct injection
- direct labor
- direct lighting
- direct order
- direct purchase stock
- direct response advertising
- direct-lending program
- direct-mail shot
- direct-reading
- directed speech
- direction finder
- directional drilling
- directional microphone
- directional stance
- director's chair
- directory assistance
- dirt dive
- dirtbag camping
- dirtbagging
- dirty denim
- dirty drug
- dirty price
- dirty trickster
- disability clause
- disc-
- discharge lamp
- discharged bankrupt
- disciplinary barracks
- disclaimer of opinion
- disclosing agent
- discontinued operation
- discount broker
- discount brokerage
- discount house
- discount loan
- discount market
- discount method
- discount security
- discount window
- discounted bond
- discounted cash flow
- discounted dividend model
- discouraged worker
- discretionary cash flow
- discretionary order
- discretionary trust
- discriminant analysis
- discriminating monopoly
- disequilibrium price
- disequilibrium unemployment
- diseur
- diseuse
- dishwashing liquid
- disintegration constant
- disk brake
- disk camera
- disk flower
- disk harrow
- disk operating system
- disk pack
- disk plow
- disk sander
- dislocated worker
- disparate impact
- dispensing optician
- dispersed industry
- display ad
- display allowance
- display type
- disputes procedure
- dissecting aortic aneurysm
- distance casting
- distance runner
- distillation column
- distribution standard
- district court
- district surgeon
- diurnal parallax
- dive brake
- diverging lens
- diversionary dumping
- dividend capture
- dividend growth model
- dividend yield
- diving dress
- diving reflex
- division lobby
- dj
- dk.
- dkl
- dkm
- dlr.
- dm
- dmu
- do not reduce
- doch-an-dorris
- dock start
- docken
- doctor-assisted suicide
- document feeder
- document holder
- dog iron
- dog pack
- dog's-tail
- dog's-tooth check
- doghanged
- dogo
- dogtooth check
- dogtooth violet
- dogwood anthracnose
- dolichosaurus
- dollar buyout
- dollar-a-year
- dolly catch
- dolly drop
- dolman jacket
- dolman sleeve
- domain of quantification
- domestic court
- domestic prelate
- domette
- domiciled bill
- domiciliary care
- dominance hierarchy
- dominant estate
- dominant hemisphere
- dominant tenement
- dompas
- don't-care condition
- dona
- done with
- donkey derby
- donkey's tail
- donnert
- donor insemination
- dooket
- doom-laden
- door bundle
- door furniture
- door jam
- door rate
- doormouth
- doping agent
- dormant account
- doré
- dos-à-dos
- dot address
- dot pitch
- dotted swiss
- dou-dou
- double budget
- double concerto
- double descent
- double digging
- double entry
- double negation
- double obelisk
- double occupancy
- double rhyme
- double takeout
- double teeth
- double wishbone suspension
- double witching hour
- double-celling
- double-declining balance
- double-density
- double-duty
- double-handed grab
- double-skin
- double-up
- double-zero option
- dough hook
- dovetail saw
- dower house
- down climbing
- down-and-dirty
- down-and-in
- down-bow
- down-the-line
- downspin
- downward mobility
- downward rigidity of wages
- downwardly mobile
- downy mildew
- dp
- draco lizard
- draegerman
- drag into
- drag link
- drag out of
- drag-hunt
- dram.
- dramatic monologue
- draw gear
- draw play
- draw shot
- draw soup
- drawing account
- drawn-thread work
- drayhorse
- dread disease
- dream sheet
- dream ticket
- dress parade
- dress uniform
- drilling platform
- drip pan
- drip with
- drissy
- drive belt
- drive chain
- drive-by shooting
- drive-up
- driver's side
- driver's test
- driving chain
- driving while female
- droop nose
- drop back or behind
- drop forge
- drop front
- drop into
- drop leaf
- drop over or around
- drop shipment
- drop-down menu
- drop-top
- dropping zone
- dropsided lorry
- drug body packer
- drug court
- drug czar
- drug idiosyncrasy
- drug misuse
- drug of abuse
- drugs squad
- drum and bugle corps
- drum corps
- drum into
- drum majorette
- dry battery
- dry farming
- dry gas
- dry ginger
- dry kiln
- dry law
- dry promotion
- dry salt meat
- dry snitching
- dry-bone ore
- dry-cleaner's
- dry-roasted
- dry-salter
- du wah
- du
- dual currency bond
- dual in-line package