User:DCDuring/Vernacular plant names from Wikipedia disambiguation pages
"List of" names
[edit]arugula- buckthorn
- chickweed
- compass plant
- cowslip
- date palm
- gooseberry
- honeybush
- ivy
- lotus
- lungwort
- milk thistle
- mugwort
- mulberry
- nettle
- oil palm
- sea lettuce
- silky oak Silky oak on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
- sour cherry
- spikenard
- tamarind
- totara w:tōtara
[edit]acapu- African lily
African rosewood- Template:WPLook
algarrobilla- alkanet
allheal- Template:WPLook
- Template:WPLook
- Template:WPLook
American pondweed- Template:WPLook, Amor seco
angel's trumpet- annual ryegrass
- apple mint
- arctic poppy
- Asian pear
asparagus fern
[edit]- bachelor's buttons
balsam- balsam apple
- bane
banewortbarbasco- barren strawberry
- beach daisy
- beach ox-eye
beach pea- beach sunflower
- beaked sedge
- bearded fig
bee orchidbeefwood- beeplant ***
betony- billy buttons
- bindweed
bird cherry- bird's-nest fern
- bishop's weed
black cumin- black gooseberry
black haw- black huckleberry
- black needlerush
black nightshade- black palm
black raspberryblack snakeroot- black wattle
bladdernut- bladderpod
- blood lily
- bloodwood
blue gum- blue lily
- blue squill
boegoebog orchid- bog pine
- bollygum ***
- bollywood ***
boneset- Brazilian cherry
breadnut- broomweed ***
- brown laurel
- brownstem spleenwort
buckbrush- buffalo clover
buffalo grassbugseed***- bullnettle ***
bully treebulrush- bush lupin
- bushy seedbox
butterfly bush- butterfly flower
- butterfly orchid
- butterfly tree
buttonbush- buttons, button
[edit]- California dandelion
- Template:WPLook, Template:WPLook ***
camelthornTemplate:WPLook***- candelabra tree
candle tree- candleberry tree
- canegrass ***
- Cape lilac
- Cape marigold
- cardinal climber
- carpetweed ***
- carrion flower
- carrion plant
- cashaw ***
cat's claw- centaury
- chain fern
- cheesewood ***
cherry laurel- Chinese mulberry
Chinese plum- Chinese red pine
Chinese spinach- chocolate lily
- Christmas bush
clearweed- cliff-rose
- coast banksia
- coast buckwheat
- cochineal prickly pear
- cockspur thorn
cocoyam- coffeeweed ***
cohosh- common agrimony
- common bladderwort
- common marigold
- common polypody
- common prickly pear
- common wood sorrel
- coral plant
coral vine- coralroot
corkwood- corn lily
cow treecream nut- creeping pine
- creeping snowberry
- crucifixion thorn
cucumber tree- cudweed
- custard apple
- cutty grass
- cypress</s?
- cypress-pine
[edit]- false buckthorn
- false dandelion
- false foxglove
false hellebore- false helleborine
- false indigo
false lily of the valley- false sandalwood
fan palm- fern moss
fetterbush- field garlic
- firebush ***
- fishhook cactus
- five finger
- flame grevillea
flame tree- fleabane
fleawort- floating bladderwort
- flowering plum
- fly honeysuckle
- forest germander
fox grape- foxtail fern
frogbitfrost grape- fuchsia-flowered gooseberry
[edit]- laceflower ***
- ladyfinger cactus
- lamb's quarters
- Latanier palm, latinier palm
leadwort- leather-leaf fern
- Lebombo cycad, lebombo cycad, lebombo ***
- lemon drop mangosteen
leopard lily- leopard's bane
- lily of the valley tree
lilyturf- live oak
lizard's tail- Loddon pondweed, loddon pondweed
- lowbush cranberry
[edit]mahoe- maiden's hair
- maikaika ***
malanga- malibato ***
mammee- mammee apple
- manroot
- Maori onion
marlock- marsh banksia
- marsh gentian
- marsh rosemary
- mastic tree
mayweedmessmate- Mexican poppy
milfoil- mingimingi ***
- miracle berry
- mock olive
- monkey apple
- monkey fruit
- monkey orchid
- monkey pot
monoaomountain ash- mountain banksia
- mountain grevillea
- mountain pink
- muttonwood
[edit]Template:WPLook *** “ocote”, in OneLook Dictionary Search.- octopus tree
old man's beardoleaster- orange-root
- orchid tree
- owl's clover
- oxygen weed
oyster plant
[edit]- paddy melon
- paintbrush lily
pampas grass- peacock flower
pellitory- pencil cedar
pennywort- pepper root
- peroba ***
pheasant's eye- Philippine mahogany
pickleweed- pie melon
- pig melon
pigeonwoodpigweed- pikopiko ***
pilewort- p?lu ***
- pincushion cactus
- pink knotweed
- pink rain lily
- pleomele ***
pondweed- porcupine grass
possumwood- poverty bush
- prairie dock
- prairie smoke
prickly ash- pride of India
- princess pine
puccoon- purple milkvetch
purple milkweed- purple raspberry
- purple sage
[edit]rabbitbrush- ragwort
- rain lily
- rampion
rattlebox- rattlebush ***
rattlepod- rattlesnake weed
rattleweedred bean- red beech
- red columbine
- red crowberry
- red spider flower
- red sunflower
reedresurrection plant- rheumatism root
- ribbon weed
- ripgut brome
- Robin's plantain, robin's plantain
- rock daisy
rockcress ***- Roman wormwood
rosebay- roving sailor
- rubberweed ***
Russian thistle
[edit]- sacred lotus
sagebrush- sago palm, Sago palm
- salsify
saltbush- saltmarsh rush
saltwort- sandpaper fig
sandwort- sapote
- satinwood
scrub oak- scurvy weed
- sea ox-eye
- sea rush
- silky swallow-wort
silver pine- silver vine
- skeletonweed ***
skunk cabbage- skunk weed
- snake bean
- snake berry
- snake cactus
snakerootsneezeweed- snowball bush
- snowy wood-rush
soapberry- sourgrass
- sow thistle
- Spanish bayonet
- spear grass
- spider lily
- spider plant
spoonwood- spotted gum
- spotted oak
squaw root- squaw weed
squill- star gooseberry
star grass- star lily
starflower- sticker grass
- stickyweed ***
stinkweed- stinkwood
- stinkwort ***
- stitchwort
- strangler fig
- strawberry tree
stringybark- sugar palm
supplejackswallowwort- swamp banksia
- swampweed ***
- sweet cicely
sweet flag- sweet viburnum
- sword fern
[edit]- tall lettuce
- tauhinu ***
tearthumb- terebinth
tetterwort- Texas sage
- thatch palm
thimbleweed- tickseed
tiger grass- tiger orchid
tigerwoodtoadflax- toatoa ***
toothwort- tree jasmine
- tree melon
- tree peony
- tropical apricot
trumpet tree- trumpetflower
Turk's cap- Turk's cap lily
Turkey oak, turkey oak- turpentine bush
- turpentine tree
[edit]- wait-a-minute tree
wait-a-while- wake-robin
walking fern- wandflower
- wandoo
water chestnut- water fern
- water parsnip
- wax palm
- western sunflower
- white bryony
white cedar- white gum
- white maple
- white root
- white sedge
- white silky oak
white spruce- white waterlily
whortleberry- wild almond
- wild banana
- wild basil
- wild celery
wild cottonwild cucumber- wild custard apple
wild garlicwild ginger- wild gourd
- wild grape
- wild hops
- wild hyacinth
- wild hyssop
wild leek- wild lettuce
- wild liquorice
- wild mango
- wild melon
- wild mint
- wild olive
- wild onion
- wild orange
- wild palm
- wild parsnip
- wild peach
- wild pear
- wild plum
wild potato- wild quince
- wild rhubarb
- wild rosemary
wild rye- wild sage
- wild spinach
- wild tansy
- wild turnip
wineberry- winter cherry
- winter grape
- wiregrass
- wireweed
- wood anemone
wood apple- wood betony
- wood rose
- wood violet
woodbine- woollybush