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Beginning at Sun Jun 9 23:22:06 2024

  • Page 3496 who: Found match for regex: ##: {{ux|en|That's the man '''who''' I saw earlier.|q=''defining''}}
  • Page 3496 who: Found match for regex: ##: {{ux|en|My brother, '''who''' you met the other day, is coming to stay for the weekend.|q=''non-defining''}}
  • Page 3496 who: Found match for regex: #: {{ux|en|Give it to '''who''' deserves it.|q=''marginal usage''}}
  • Page 27793 si: Found match for regex: #: {{ux|it|'''Se''' la [[smezzare|smezzamo]]?|q='''Ce''' la dividiamo?|Do you want to split?}}
  • Page 37532 und: Found match for regex: :: {{ux|de|Er erklärte, dass er den Vorschlag gutheiße, und bat um Zustimmung.|He declared that he approved of the proposal, and asked for endorsement.|q=''und'' continues the main clause}}
  • Page 37532 und: Found match for regex: :: {{ux|de|Er erklärte, dass er den Vorschlag gutheiße und um Zustimmung bitte.|He declared that he approved of the proposal and (that he) asked for endorsement.|q=''und'' continues the subclause}}
  • Page 90959 tox: Found match for regex: #: {{ux|az|'''Toxun''' [[ac]]dan [[nə]] [[xəbər]]i [[var]]?|The full man does not understand the wants of the hungry.|q=''proverb''|lit=What does the '''full''' know of the hungry?}}
  • Page 370708 bayır: Found match for regex: #: {{ux|az|Bas '''bayıra!'''|q=''rude''|Get '''out'''!}}
  • Page 476892 qayırmaq: Found match for regex: #: {{ux|az|A kişi, nə '''qayırırsan'''?|What '''are you doing''', man?|q=''said in indignation''|footer={{IPA|az|[ɑ ki̥ˈʃi ‖ næ ˈɣɑːrsan]}}}}
  • Page 715174 kund: Found match for regex: #: {{ux|de|Alles, was mir davon '''kund''' ist, habe ich ihm mitgeteilt.|q=''archaic''|I have told him all that is '''known''' to me about the matter.}}
  • Page 1083859 om te: Found match for regex: :: {{uxi|nl|Het heeft geen zin (om) te wachten.|q=''optional use''|It is no use to wait.}}
  • Page 1083859 om te: Found match for regex: :: {{uxi|nl|Het heeft geen zin (om) de hele dag te wachten.|q=''preferred use''|It is no use to wait all day.}}
  • Page 1298108 yol: Found match for regex: #: {{uxi|az|'''Yolların''' açıq olsun!|May '''your ways''' be open!|q=''idiomatic; a wish of luck''}}
  • Page 2029248 Appendix:Finnish numbers: Found match for regex: :: {{uxi|fi|3 464 916:'''ssa'''|q='''-ssa''' from {{m|fi||-kuude'''ssa'''toista}}|'''in''' 3,464,916}}
  • Page 2188780 Missetat: Found match for regex: #: {{ux|de|Die Liste seiner '''Missetaten''' war lang.|q=''flippant, humorous''|The list of his '''misdeeds''' was long.}}
  • Page 4120293 Topp: Found match for regex: #: {{ux|gmw-ecg|Det Jemüse schälste, schmeißt allet in een '''Topp''', un denn bloß uff’n Herd jestellt: fertich is die Laube!|You peel the vegetables, throw them all in one '''pot''', and then just put it on the cooker: that’s all!|q=''Berlinian''}}
  • Page 5789518 qazmaq: Found match for regex: #: {{uxi|az|q=''figurative''|özünə qəbir '''qazmaq'''|To '''dig''' one's own grave}}
  • Page 5856728 uzaq: Found match for regex: #: {{uxi|az|q=''idiomatic''|Allah '''uzaq''' [[eləmək|eləsin]]!|God forbid!|lit=may God make it '''far-away'''.}}
  • Page 6574411 abatınız xeyir: Found match for regex: #: {{uxi|az|-Alo!|-Hello!|q=''when replying a phone call''}}
  • Page 6579309 qəzəl: Found match for regex: #: {{ux|az|[[soxmaq|Soxum]] sənin '''qəzəlivə'''!|q=''vulgar, informal''|{{n-g|said to someone who is talking excessively and off-topic}}|lit=Screw your '''ghazal'''!}}
  • Page 6636650 şəhid: Found match for regex: ##: {{uxi|az|'''Şəhidlər''' ölməz, vətən bölünməz!|q=''slogan''|'''Martyrs''' never die, the fatherland is never divided!}}
  • Page 6638615 ötmək: Found match for regex: #: {{uxi|az|Amerikaya çatmaq və onu '''ötüb'''-keçmək|to catch up and '''overtake''' America|q=''a Soviet slogan''}}
  • Page 6719008 növbəti: Found match for regex: #: {{ux|az|[[qapı|Qapılar]] [[bağlanmaq|bağlanır]], '''növbəti''' [[stansiya]]...|The doors are closing, '''next''' station...|q=''subway announcement''}}
  • Page 7072106 yüyürmək: Found match for regex: #: {{uxi|az|[[uşaq|uşağa]] [[buyurmaq|buyur]], [[dalınca]] '''yüyür'''|commission [something] to a child, and [you'll have to] '''run''' after it|q=''saying''}}

Elapsed time: 4 mins 54.00 secs Ending at Sun Jun 9 23:27:00 2024