User:BD2412/Non-English contributions
Here are my non-English contributions (I will not list my English contributions; I feel that they are by and large too mundane to merit the labor of listing).
[edit]- ayiwa - okay, well
[edit]- 版权 and 版權 (Pinyin: bǎn quán) - copyright
- 菠菜 (Pinyin: bōcài) - spinach
- 差不多 (Pinyin: chà buduō) - almost, nearly, not bad
- 岀租人 and 岀租人 (Pinyin: chūzūrén) - lessor; one who owns land that is leased
- 大出血 (Pinyin: dàchūxiě) - hemorrhage
- 公子 (Pinyin: gōngzĭ) - sons of privilege
- 紅豆 and 红豆 (Pinyin: hóngdòu) - azuki bean, popularly known as the red bean (Vigna angularis)
- 火锅 (Pinyin: huǒguō) - fire pot (hotpot)
- 金屋藏娇 and 金屋藏嬌 (Pinyin: jīn wū cáng jiāo) - to keep a beautiful woman hidden away at home
- 可以 (Pinyin: kěyǐ) - can or may (do something)
- 裤子 and 褲子 (Pinyin: kùzi) - pants
- 律师 and 律師 (Pinyin: lǜ shī) - lawyer, attorney
- 乱码 and 亂碼 (Pinyin: luànmǎ) - chaotic codes (mojibake)
- 妈妈 (Pinyin: māma) - mother
- 面子 (Pinyin: miànzi) - reputation earned by success
- 农历 (Pinyin: nóng lì) - farming calendar (the Chinese lunar calendar)
- 情人 (Pinyin: qíngrén) - lover, sweetheart
- 人才 or 人材 (Pinyin: réncái) - talent; abilities that make one an asset
- 人情 (Pinyin: rénqíng) - the inherent goodness of human nature
- 弱肉强食 (Pinyin: ruòròu qiángshí) - if you are weak, you are the meat; if you are strong, you eat the meat
- 杀鸡儆猴 and 殺雞儆猴 (Pinyin: shā jī jǐng hóu) - kill the chicken to warn the monkey
- 失独 (Pinyin: shīdú) - parents who are alone because they were only permitted to have one child under China's "one-child policy", but that child died after the parents were too old to have another child
- 水涨船高 (Pinyin: shuǐ zhǎng chuán gāo) - water rises, ship elevated
- 团购 and 團購 (Pinyin: tuángòu) - mass purchase (team buying)
- 先礼后兵 (Pinyin: xiān lǐ hòu bīng) - first courtesy, then troops
- 永远 (Pinyin: yǒng yuǎn) - forever
- 语言学 (Pinyin: yǔyán xué) - linguistics
- 早上 (Pinyin: zǎoshàng) - early highest (morning)
- 早上好 (Pinyin: zǎoshàng hǎo) - morning good (good morning)
Months of the Chinese lunar calendar (in order)
[edit]- 正月 (Pinyin: zhèng yuè) - principal month
- 杏月 (Pinyin: xìng yuè) - apricot month
- 桃月 (Pinyin: táo yuè) - peach month
- 梅月 (Pinyin: méi yuè) - plum month
- 榴月 (Pinyin: liú yuè) - pomegranate month
- 荷月 (Pinyin: hé yuè) - lotus month
- 蘭月 (Pinyin: lán yuè) - orchid month
- 桂月 (Pinyin: guāng yuè) - cinnamon month
- 菊月 (Pinyin: jú yuè) - chrysanthemum month
- 良月 (Pinyin: liáng yuè) - good month
- 冬月 (Pinyin: dōng yuè) - winter month
- 臘月 (Pinyin: là yuè) - sacrifice month
[edit]- deisme - deism
- pandeisme - pandeism
- pantheisme - pantheism
[edit]- deismi - deism
- julkinen osakeyhtiö public limited company
- osakeyhtiö - limited liability company
- panteismi - pantheism
- panteisti - pantheist
[edit]- aboi, abois - bark of a dog
- abominablement - abominably
- abondant, abondante, abondants, abondantes - abundant
- abortif, abortive, abortifs, abortives - abortive (adjective sense)
- abréviatif, abréviative, abréviatifs, abréviatives - abbreviative
- aération, aérations - ventilation
- agnostique - agnostic (adj.)
- athée - atheist
- athéisme - atheism
- avoir une tête et des jambes - to have a combination of intelligence and athleticism
- ça va - it goes
- chuchoteur, chuchoteurs, chuchoteuse, chuchoteuses - whisperer(s)
- comédienne - comedienne
- créé - past particple of to create
- déisme - deism
- dénouement - denouement
- droite - a line; the political right; the right
- éjectable - ejectable
- estomac - stomach
- hydraulique - hydraulic
- inclure - to include, to enclose
- inné - innate, inborn, congenital, inbred, native
- lâcher - to loosen, to let go
- lâches - second person present of lâcher
- n'est-ce pas - is it not so
- œil pour œil, dent pour dent - eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth
- pandéisme - pandeism
- pandémie - pandemic (noun)
- pandémique - pandemic (adj.)
- panenthéisme - panentheism
- panthéisme - pantheism
- patriotard - excessively nationalistic, flag-waving, chauvinistic
- prolétaire, prolétaires - proletarian
- prolétaires de tous les pays, unissez-vous! - workers of the world, unite!
- réfutabilité - refutability
- super-vilain - supervillain
- théisme - theism
- tonneau - barrel
- Union des Républiques Socialistes Soviétiques - Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
- vilain - villain
[edit]- tosk - tooth
[edit]- Agnostizismus - agnosticism (m)
- allem - all (dative, sg, m and n)
- Atheismus - atheism
- Atheist - atheist (m)
- Atheisten - atheists (m, pl)
- Atheistin - atheist (f)
- Atheistinnen - atheists (f, pl)
- atheistisch - atheistic
- Biest - beast, beastly person (m)
- Biester - beasts, beastly persons (m, pl)
- Bocksbeutel - a rounded wine bottle (sg and pl)
- charakteriologische - characteriological
- Deismus - deism
- Deist - deist (m)
- Monismus - monism (m)
- Monotheist - monotheist (m)
- Pandeismus - pandeism
- Pandeist - pandeist (m)
- Pantheismus - pantheism
- Pantheist - pantheist (m)
- Polytheismus - polytheism
- Polytheist - polytheist (m)
- Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euch! - workers of the world, unite!
- Sitzriese - a person who appears tall when sitting but short when standing (m)
- Theismus - theism (m)
- Union der Sozialistischen Sowjet-Republiken - Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
[edit]- -λογία (-logia) - -logy
- αθεϊσμός (atheismos) - atheism
- θείον (theion) - divine fire
- θεϊσμός (theismos) - belief in God
- παν (pan) - all
- ταυτοχρονα (tautochrona) - simultaneously
- φιλοσ (philos) - love
- φιλοσοφία (philosophia) - philosophy
[edit]- deizmus - deism
- pandeizmus - pandeism
[edit]- aberrazione - aberration
- deismo - deism
- monismo - monism
- pandeismo - pandeism
- panenteismo - panentheism
- panteismo - pantheism
- politeismo - polytheism
- remoto - remote
- teismo - theism
[edit]- argumentum - an argument, a proof, evidence; a point, a motif
- atheos - atheist
- fas - divine law
- furibundus - frantic, frenzied, maddened, raving, inspired
- instrumentum - instrument, tool
- nemo turpitudinem suam allegans auditur - a person who had contracted to do an illegal act could not recover what he paid for the performance of that act
- nodus - rope knot, wood knot, knob, bond, obligation
- prognosticon - a prognostication, an omen
- tenacitas m, tenacitatis f - tenacity
[edit]- aksjeselskap - limited company
- deisme - deism
- pandeisme - pandeism
- pantheisme - pantheism
- tosk - fool, idiot
[edit]- ateizm - atheism
- deizm - deism
- monoteizm - monotheism
- pandeizm - pandeism
- panenteizm - panentheism
- panteizm - pantheism
- politeizm - polytheism
- teizm - theism
[edit]- ateísmo - atheism
- deísmo - deism
- deísta - deist
- esplêndido - splendid
- impureza - impurity
- monismo - monism
- pandeísmo - pandeism
- pandeísta - pandeist
- panenteísmo - panentheism
- panteísmo - pantheism
- panteísta - pantheist
- politeísmo - polytheism
- remoto - remote
- teísmo - theism
[edit]- атеизм - atheism
- атеист - atheist
- атеистических - atheistic
- деизм - deism
- монотеизм - monotheism
- пандеизм - pandeism
- пантеизм - pantheism
- политеизм - polytheism
- религия - religion
- шпинат - spinach
- теизм - theism
- теист - теист - theist
- теистических - theistic
- вселенная - universe
[edit]- ayubowan - for a long life (traditional greeting)
[edit]- ateizmus - atheism
- deizmus - deism
- pandeizmus - pandeism
[edit]- ateísmo - atheism
- ateísta - atheist
- ateístas - atheists
- deísmo - deism
- deísta - deist
- deístas - deists
- monismo - monism
- muchos - much, many of
- pandeísmo - pandeism
- pandeísta - pandeist
- pandeístas - pandeists
- panenteísmo - panentheism
- panteísmo - pantheism
- panteísta - pantheist
- panteístas - pantheists
- remoto - remote
- teísmo - theism
- teísta - theist
- teístas - theists
[edit]- aktiebolag - corporation
- polyteism - polytheism