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Conjugation of verbs


Some sources


Pronunciation note: apparently, the stressed endings -а́(т) and -я́(т) are not pronounced as spelled, e.g:

  • чета́ (četá) is pronounced /четъ́/ and стоя́ (stojá) is pronounced /стоjъ́/ [stoˈjɤ̟]


  • Tip: to verify a stressed inflected form, Google it in quotes, but you need to use a grave accent for searching, as is a Bulgarian convention. For example, "пра̀ви", "правѝ"
  • This is a list of accented Bulgarian vowels for copy/pasting: а̀, ѐ, ѝ, о̀, у̀, ъ̀, ю̀, я̀.
  • Wiktionary uses acute accents per WT:BG TR. Here's a list of vowels with acute accents copy/pasting: а́, е́, и́, о́, у́, ъ́, ю́, я́

Verb Meaning 2nd prs pres/fut 1st prs aorist 1st prs impf sg imper pl imper pres act part past act aorist part past act impf part past passive part verbal noun adv part Notes
оти́вам impf (otívam) to go оти́ваш оти́вах оти́вах оти́вай оти́вайте оти́ващ оти́вал оти́вал (intransitive) оти́ване оти́вайки past passive part for transitive verbs is formed with -ан, e.g. възпроизве́ждам (vǎzproizvéždam)->възпроизве́ждан (vǎzproizvéždan)


  • Tip: to verify a stressed inflected form, Google it in quotes, but you need to use a grave accent for searching, as is a Bulgarian convention. For example, "пра̀ви", "правѝ"
  • This is a list of accented Bulgarian vowels for copy/pasting: а̀, ѐ, ѝ, о̀, у̀, ъ̀, ю̀, я̀.
  • Wiktionary uses acute accents per WT:BG TR. Here's a list of vowels with acute accents copy/pasting: а́, е́, и́, о́, у́, ъ́, ю́, я́

Verb Meaning 2nd prs pres/fut 1st prs aorist 1st prs impf sg imper pl imper pres act part past act aorist part past act impf part past passive part verbal noun adv part Notes
ме́ля impf (mélja) to mill, to grind ме́лиш млях ме́лех мели́ меле́те ме́лещ млял ме́лел млян, млят ме́лене ме́лейки -



Second conjugation(?)

  • Tip: to verify a stressed inflected form, Google it in quotes, but you need to use a grave accent for searching, as is a Bulgarian convention. For example, "пра̀ви", "правѝ"
  • This is a list of accented Bulgarian vowels for copy/pasting: а̀, ѐ, ѝ, о̀, у̀, ъ̀, ю̀, я̀.
  • Wiktionary uses acute accents per WT:BG TR. Here's a list of vowels with acute accents copy/pasting: а́, е́, и́, о́, у́, ъ́, ю́, я́

  • All verbs with stems not ending in , or use the endings and -ят in first person singular and third person plural - пра́вя, пра́вят.
Verb Meaning 2nd prs pres/fut 1st prs aorist 1st prs impf sg imper pl imper pres act part past act aorist part past act impf part past passive part verbal noun adv part Notes
пра́вя (právja) to do, make пра́виш пра́вих, прави́х [less standard] пра́вех прави́, пра́ви [less common] праве́те пра́вещ пра́вил, прави́л [less standard] пра́вел пра́вен пра́вене пра́вейки Should [less standard] be used, is it applicable to ALL members of this group?



Second conjugation(?)

  • Tip: to verify a stressed inflected form, Google it in quotes, but you need to use a grave accent for searching, as is a Bulgarian convention. For example, "пра̀ви", "правѝ"
  • This is a list of accented Bulgarian vowels for copy/pasting: а̀, ѐ, ѝ, о̀, у̀, ъ̀, ю̀, я̀.
  • Wiktionary uses acute accents per WT:BG TR. Here's a list of vowels with acute accents copy/pasting: а́, е́, и́, о́, у́, ъ́, ю́, я́

  • All verbs with stems ending in , or use the endings and -ат in first person singular and third person plural - дви́жа, дви́жат.
Verb Meaning 2nd prs pres/fut 1st prs aorist 1st prs impf sg imper pl imper pres act part past act aorist part past act impf part past passive part verbal noun adv part Notes
у́ча (úča) to learn, teach у́чиш у́чих, учи́х [less standard] у́чех учи́ уче́те у́чещ у́чил, учи́л [less standard] у́чел у́чен у́чене у́чейки Should [less standard] be used, is it applicable to ALL members of this group?
дви́жа (dvíža) to move дви́жиш дви́жих, движи́х [less standard] дви́жех движи́ движе́те дви́жещ дви́жил, движи́л [less standard] дви́жел дви́жен дви́жене дви́жейки Should [less standard] be used, is it applicable to ALL members of this group?


  • Tip: to verify a stressed inflected form, Google it in quotes, but you need to use a grave accent for searching, as is a Bulgarian convention. For example, "пра̀ви", "правѝ"
  • This is a list of accented Bulgarian vowels for copy/pasting: а̀, ѐ, ѝ, о̀, у̀, ъ̀, ю̀, я̀.
  • Wiktionary uses acute accents per WT:BG TR. Here's a list of vowels with acute accents copy/pasting: а́, е́, и́, о́, у́, ъ́, ю́, я́
Verb Meaning 2nd prs pres/fut 1st prs aorist 1st prs impf sg imper pl imper pres act part past act aorist part past act impf part past passive part verbal noun adv part Notes
чета́ impf (četá) to read чете́ш че́тох четя́х чети́ чете́те четя́щ чел четя́л че́тен че́тене чете́йки this group Note: endings -а and -ат (чета́, чета́т) when stressed are pronounced as /четъ́ / and /четъ́ т/


  • Tip: to verify a stressed inflected form, Google it in quotes, but you need to use a grave accent for searching, as is a Bulgarian convention. For example, "пра̀ви", "правѝ"
  • This is a list of accented Bulgarian vowels for copy/pasting: а̀, ѐ, ѝ, о̀, у̀, ъ̀, ю̀, я̀.
  • Wiktionary uses acute accents per WT:BG TR. Here's a list of vowels with acute accents copy/pasting: а́, е́, и́, о́, у́, ъ́, ю́, я́
Verb Meaning 2nd prs pres/fut 1st prs aorist 1st prs impf sg imper pl imper pres act part past act aorist part past act impf part past passive part verbal noun adv part Notes
вля́за pf (vljáza) to enter вле́зеш вля́зох вле́зех влез вле́зте (perfective) вля́зъл вле́зел (intransitive) - - verbs (съ-)блека́ ((s-)bleká), влека́ (vleká), (в-)ля́за ((v-)ljáza) and сека́ (seká) alternate я and е in the stem (old ѣ vowel)


  • Tip: to verify a stressed inflected form, Google it in quotes, but you need to use a grave accent for searching, as is a Bulgarian convention. For example, "пра̀ви", "правѝ"
  • This is a list of accented Bulgarian vowels for copy/pasting: а̀, ѐ, ѝ, о̀, у̀, ъ̀, ю̀, я̀.
  • Wiktionary uses acute accents per WT:BG TR. Here's a list of vowels with acute accents copy/pasting: а́, е́, и́, о́, у́, ъ́, ю́, я́
Verb Meaning 2nd prs pres/fut 1st prs aorist 1st prs impf sg imper pl imper pres act part past act aorist part past act impf part past passive part verbal noun adv part Notes
пе́я impf (péja) to sing пе́еш пях пе́ех пей пе́йте пе́ещ пял пе́ел пят пе́ене пе́ейки lemmas ending in -я also use the endings -я and -ят in first person singular and third person plural, template: {{bg-conj-1st-ee3}}


  • Tip: to verify a stressed inflected form, Google it in quotes, but you need to use a grave accent for searching, as is a Bulgarian convention. For example, "пра̀ви", "правѝ"
  • This is a list of accented Bulgarian vowels for copy/pasting: а̀, ѐ, ѝ, о̀, у̀, ъ̀, ю̀, я̀.
  • Wiktionary uses acute accents per WT:BG TR. Here's a list of vowels with acute accents copy/pasting: а́, е́, и́, о́, у́, ъ́, ю́, я́

Verb Meaning 2nd prs pres/fut 1st prs aorist 1st prs impf sg imper pl imper pres act part past act aorist part past act impf part past passive part verbal noun adv part Notes
пека́ (peká) to bake пече́ш пе́кох печа́х печи́ пече́те печа́щ пе́къл печа́л, пече́л пе́чен пе́чене пече́йки verbs (съ-)блека́ ((s-)bleká), влека́ (vleká), (в-)ля́за ((v-)ljáza) and сека́ (seká) alternate я and е in the stem (old ѣ vowel)


  • Tip: to verify a stressed inflected form, Google it in quotes, but you need to use a grave accent for searching, as is a Bulgarian convention. For example, "пра̀ви", "правѝ"
  • This is a list of accented Bulgarian vowels for copy/pasting: а̀, ѐ, ѝ, о̀, у̀, ъ̀, ю̀, я̀.
  • Wiktionary uses acute accents per WT:BG TR. Here's a list of vowels with acute accents copy/pasting: а́, е́, и́, о́, у́, ъ́, ю́, я́

Verb Meaning 2nd prs pres/fut 1st prs aorist 1st prs impf sg imper pl imper pres act part past act aorist part past act impf part past passive part verbal noun adv part Notes
дам pf (dam) to give даде́ш да́дох дадя́х дай да́йте (perfective) дал дадя́л да́ден - - -


  • Tip: to verify a stressed inflected form, Google it in quotes, but you need to use a grave accent for searching, as is a Bulgarian convention. For example, "пра̀ви", "правѝ"
  • This is a list of accented Bulgarian vowels for copy/pasting: а̀, ѐ, ѝ, о̀, у̀, ъ̀, ю̀, я̀.
  • Wiktionary uses acute accents per WT:BG TR. Here's a list of vowels with acute accents copy/pasting: а́, е́, и́, о́, у́, ъ́, ю́, я́

Verb Meaning 2nd prs pres/fut 1st prs aorist 1st prs impf sg imper pl imper pres act part past act aorist part past act impf part past passive part verbal noun adv part Notes
бъ́да (bǎ́da) to be бъ́деш бих, би́дох бъ́дех бъди́ бъде́те бъ́дещ бил бъ́дел - - бъ́дейки, би́дейки two aorist forms exist


  • Tip: to verify a stressed inflected form, Google it in quotes, but you need to use a grave accent for searching, as is a Bulgarian convention. For example, "пра̀ви", "правѝ"
  • This is a list of accented Bulgarian vowels for copy/pasting: а̀, ѐ, ѝ, о̀, у̀, ъ̀, ю̀, я̀.
  • Wiktionary uses acute accents per WT:BG TR. Here's a list of vowels with acute accents copy/pasting: а́, е́, и́, о́, у́, ъ́, ю́, я́

Verb Meaning 2nd prs pres/fut 1st prs aorist 1st prs impf sg imper pl imper pres act part past act aorist part past act impf part past passive part verbal noun adv part Notes
ям (jam) to eat яде́ш я́дох ядя́х яж я́жте ядя́щ ял ядя́л я́ден я́дене яде́йки two aorist forms exist


  • Tip: to verify a stressed inflected form, Google it in quotes, but you need to use a grave accent for searching, as is a Bulgarian convention. For example, "пра̀ви", "правѝ"
  • This is a list of accented Bulgarian vowels for copy/pasting: а̀, ѐ, ѝ, о̀, у̀, ъ̀, ю̀, я̀.
  • Wiktionary uses acute accents per WT:BG TR. Here's a list of vowels with acute accents copy/pasting: а́, е́, и́, о́, у́, ъ́, ю́, я́

Verb Meaning 2nd prs pres/fut 1st prs aorist 1st prs impf sg imper pl imper pres act part past act aorist part past act impf part past passive part verbal noun adv part Notes
ви́дя (vídja) (intr and tr) to see ви́диш видя́х (2nd pers. видя́, 3rd pers видя́) ви́дех виж ви́жте - видя́л ви́дел видя́н - - aorist 2nd pers. видя́, 3rd pers видя́


  • Tip: to verify a stressed inflected form, Google it in quotes, but you need to use a grave accent for searching, as is a Bulgarian convention. For example, "пра̀ви", "правѝ"
  • This is a list of accented Bulgarian vowels for copy/pasting: а̀, ѐ, ѝ, о̀, у̀, ъ̀, ю̀, я̀.
  • Wiktionary uses acute accents per WT:BG TR. Here's a list of vowels with acute accents copy/pasting: а́, е́, и́, о́, у́, ъ́, ю́, я́

Verb Meaning 2nd prs pres/fut 1st prs aorist 1st prs impf sg imper pl imper pres act part past act aorist part past act impf part past passive part verbal noun adv part Notes
оти́да pf (otída) to go away оти́деш оти́дох оти́дех отиди́ отиде́те (perfective) оти́шъл (reducible "ъ") оти́дел - - - suppletive past act aorist part


  • Tip: to verify a stressed inflected form, Google it in quotes, but you need to use a grave accent for searching, as is a Bulgarian convention. For example, "пра̀ви", "правѝ"
  • This is a list of accented Bulgarian vowels for copy/pasting: а̀, ѐ, ѝ, о̀, у̀, ъ̀, ю̀, я̀.
  • Wiktionary uses acute accents per WT:BG TR. Here's a list of vowels with acute accents copy/pasting: а́, е́, и́, о́, у́, ъ́, ю́, я́

Verb Meaning 2nd prs pres/fut 1st prs aorist 1st prs impf sg imper pl imper pres act part past act aorist part past act impf part past passive part verbal noun adv part Notes
до́йда pf (dójda) to come до́йдеш дойдо́х до́йдех дойди́, ела́ дойде́те, ела́те (perfective) дошъ́л (reducible "ъ") до́йдел (intransitive) - - suppletive past act aorist part; alt. imperative


  • Tip: to verify a stressed inflected form, Google it in quotes, but you need to use a grave accent for searching, as is a Bulgarian convention. For example, "пра̀ви", "правѝ"
  • This is a list of accented Bulgarian vowels for copy/pasting: а̀, ѐ, ѝ, о̀, у̀, ъ̀, ю̀, я̀.
  • Wiktionary uses acute accents per WT:BG TR. Here's a list of vowels with acute accents copy/pasting: а́, е́, и́, о́, у́, ъ́, ю́, я́

Verb Meaning 2nd prs pres/fut 1st prs aorist 1st prs impf sg imper pl imper pres act part past act aorist part past act impf part past passive part verbal noun adv part Notes
раста́ (rastá) to grow (intransitive) расте́ш ра́стох растя́х расти́ расте́те растя́щ растя́л ра́съл (reducible "ъ") (intransitive) расте́не расте́йки