Template:table:periodic table/vi
Periodic table of elements in Vietnamese · bảng tuần hoàn các nguyên tố hoá học (layout · text) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Period Group
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | ||
1 | 1 H hiđro |
Color of the number (state of matter at STP): liquid, gas, solid, synthetic, not yet been discovered | 2 He heli | |||||||||||||||||
2 | 3 Li liti |
4 Be beri |
Blocks: d-block f-block p-block s-block | 5 B bo |
6 C cacbon |
7 N nitơ |
8 O oxi |
9 F flo |
10 Ne neon | |||||||||||
3 | 11 Na natri |
12 Mg magie |
13 Al nhôm |
14 Si silic |
15 P photpho |
16 S lưu huỳnh |
17 Cl clo |
18 Ar agon | ||||||||||||
4 | 19 K kali |
20 Ca canxi |
21 Sc scanđi |
22 Ti titan |
23 V vanađi |
24 Cr crom |
25 Mn mangan |
26 Fe sắt |
27 Co coban |
28 Ni niken |
29 Cu đồng |
30 Zn kẽm |
31 Ga gali |
32 Ge gemani |
33 As asen |
34 Se selen |
35 Br brom |
36 Kr kripton | ||
5 | 37 Rb rubiđi |
38 Sr stronti |
39 Y ytri |
40 Zr ziriconi |
41 Nb niobi |
42 Mo molipđen |
43 Tc tecnexi |
44 Ru ruteni |
45 Rh rođi |
46 Pd palađi |
47 Ag bạc |
48 Cd cađimi |
49 In inđi |
50 Sn thiếc |
51 Sb antimon |
52 Te telu |
53 I iot |
54 Xe xenon | ||
6 | 55 Cs xesi |
56 Ba bari |
* |
71 Lu lutexi |
72 Hf hafini |
73 Ta tantan |
74 W vonfam |
75 Re reni |
76 Os osimi |
77 Ir iriđi |
78 Pt platin |
79 Au vàng |
80 Hg thuỷ ngân |
81 Tl tali |
82 Pb chì |
83 Bi bitmut |
84 Po poloni |
85 At atatin |
86 Rn rađon | |
7 | 87 Fr franxi |
88 Ra rađi |
** |
103 Lr lorenxi |
104 Rf rơzơfođi |
105 Db đupni |
106 Sg seaborgi |
107 Bh bohri |
108 Hs hassi |
109 Mt meitneri |
110 Ds darmstadti |
111 Rg roentgeni |
112 Cn copernixi |
113 Nh nihoni |
114 Fl flerovi |
115 Mc moscovi |
116 Lv livermori |
117 Ts tennessi |
118 Og oganesson | |
* lanthanides | 57 La lantan |
58 Ce xeri |
59 Pr prazeođim |
60 Nd neođim |
61 Pm prometi |
62 Sm samari |
63 Eu europi |
64 Gd gađolini |
65 Tb tebi |
66 Dy điprozi |
67 Ho honmi |
68 Er eribi |
69 Tm tuli |
70 Yb ytecbi | ||||||
** actinides | 89 Ac actini |
90 Th thori |
91 Pa protactini |
92 U urani |
93 Np neptuni |
94 Pu plutoni |
95 Am amerixi |
96 Cm curi |
97 Bk beckeli |
98 Cf califoni |
99 Es ensteni |
100 Fm fecmi |
101 Md menđelevi |
102 No nobeli |
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===See also=== {{table:periodic table/vi}}
This table in all languages
[edit]- table:periodic table
- table:periodic table/af
- table:periodic table/ar
- table:periodic table/csb
- table:periodic table/de
- table:periodic table/el
- table:periodic table/en
- table:periodic table/eo
- table:periodic table/es
- table:periodic table/fr
- table:periodic table/he
- table:periodic table/hi
- table:periodic table/it
- table:periodic table/ja
- table:periodic table/kw
- table:periodic table/nl
- table:periodic table/ru
- table:periodic table/syl
- table:periodic table/vi
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- table:periodic table/zh/base
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- table:periodic table new/documentation
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