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Navajo Classificatory Themes {{{1}}}
Class Examples Handle Propel Moves
SRO generic -ʼĄ́ -NEʼ l-TSʼID {{{2}}}
SFO rope; pairs; unknown;
-LÁ ł / ∅ -DÉÉL {{{3}}}
FFO sheet, paper ł-TSOOZ -ʼAH -NAʼ {{{4}}}
SSO stick, pole -TĄ́ ł-TʼEʼ -KĘ́Ę́Z {{{5}}}
AnO animate, doll ł-TĮ́ -GOʼ -TŁIZH {{{6}}}
NCM wig, hay; fog ł / ł / ∅ -JOOL {{{7}}}
MM butter; frog -TŁÉÉʼ ł-YĘ́Ę́ZH {{{8}}}
LPB load, burden -YĮ́ {{{9}}}
PlO1 severality -NIL ni-∅ -DEEʼ {{{10}}}
PlO2 profusion -JAAʼ ł-KAAD -KAAD   {{{11}}}
OC severality/profusion
in a container
-KĄ́ ł-DÁÁZ {{{12}}}
Flat toppled wall,
blanket, bushes
Bulk boulder ł-ZHÓÓD l-ZHÓÓD {{{14}}}
Stream liquid, sand, dust -ZIID {{{15}}}