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Latest comment: 5 years ago by Surjection in topic RFV discussion: May 2019

RFV discussion: May 2019


The following discussion has been moved from Wiktionary:Requests for verification (permalink).

This discussion is no longer live and is left here as an archive. Please do not modify this conversation, but feel free to discuss its conclusions.

Rfv-sense "(dialectal) a gap in the end result of a systematical work performed to cover an area like a lawn, a field or a snowy yard". Never heard, every search result even with related words returns something related to the fish. — surjection?11:28, 19 May 2019 (UTC)Reply

Me neither. That's why I added it after I first heard it live and asked locals on Facebook. Origin Kauhava.
"Mutta se, että kierretään kanttikasta lohkoa ympäri, nostamatta kylvökonetta kulmissa, se vasta on järjen valo! Toivottavasti näiden isäntien kylvökoneista vantaisto kuluu nopeasti, ja vääntyy vitureilleen. :D Puolitoistametrisiä haukia joka kulmassa, tarkastuksen sattuessa toivon isoja sanktioita.." https://uusi.keskustelukanava.agronet.fi/agronet/index.php?topic=18894.0 — This unsigned comment was added by (talk).
The definition is wrong then - based on "haukia", I find results specifically about farming and cultivation, but haven't been able to confirm the dictionary form. — surjection?13:11, 19 May 2019 (UTC)Reply
Added an alternative definition. — surjection?13:31, 19 May 2019 (UTC)Reply
Voiko "hauki" tarkoittaa teille jotain muutakin kuin kalaa?
"Kylyväes pakkas joskus tulla haukia"
"Pellolla kylväes ollaan aina tarkkoja ettei jää haukia "
"Pellolle kylväessä, nurmikkoa leukatessa, lunta kolatessa voi tulla hauki"
"Jos kylyvää hualimattomasti ja välihin jää sellaanen siämeneetöön sukkulan muatoonen paikka, s'on hauki!"
"Isä aina muistutti,että älä jätä haukia,kun 60-luvulla hevoosella jyräsin kylvetyt pellot."
"Tarkoottaahann se muutakin ruohoa kun leikkaa voi jäärä haukia ja kun kylyvää koneella viliaa voi silloinkin jäädä haukia"
"Maalates jää heleposti haukia, jonsei oo tarkkana!"
"Maalateskin voi jäädä haukia."
"vanhoilla kärryteillä oli heinää kasvavat hauet kärrynpyörien ja hevosten kaviouran välissä."
So, usage is mainly agricultural, but the term is used also in other contexts. The last one of the replies is interesting as it is not about a work product. -- 15:55, 19 May 2019 (UTC)Reply
I'm not sure the non-agricultural uses seem to be reliably citable; it seems however likely that they are figurative extensions of the agricultural meaning, which is probably then not slang but an older word (and probably means it has a separate etymology). VKSK does not mention anything else but the fish meaning; SMS however mentions the agricultural meaning. — surjection?16:30, 19 May 2019 (UTC)Reply
Another: "Mummi kun tarkasti lattian pesun, niin sai ottaa uusiksi kun oli haukia paikkoja"
What makes you think the other uses are extensions? The popularity of the agricultural use? Could that not, just as well, be explained by the importance of agriculture as a means of living? 05:07, 20 May 2019 (UTC)Reply

──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Because it is seemingly by far the most common meaning and the only one seemingly listed in dictionaries. If we knew the etymology, it would be easier to tell - without it, it seems that the agricultural meaning is the primary/original one. SMS only gives "compare" terms like hauta, having the same meaning in eastern dialects but likely not related. — surjection?10:02, 20 May 2019 (UTC)Reply

I'll call this resolved as is. — surjection?10:11, 26 May 2019 (UTC)Reply