Where is the entry for 𠄏? 19:46, 15 March 2014 (UTC)
- The entry has been created. —suzukaze (t・c) 10:56, 8 June 2015 (UTC)
Actually used, or just a lexicographer's oddity?
[edit]Is this term actually used? Is the second character used in anything else? Or is this just an oddity? ‑‑ Eiríkr Útlendi │ Tala við mig 17:37, 8 April 2014 (UTC)
This term was actually used. It basically only occurs in this reduplication compound, which was pronounced 'lew tew'. The second character was intentionally coined as the inverse-shaped form of 了, and looks like something hanging. It is sort of like how the sound-representing characters 乒乓 (pīngpāng, "ping-pong") were coined on the basis of the similar-sounding 兵 (bīng). The compound 'lew tew' was also written 了佻、了弔、了鳥、了尦. It is similar to từ láy (assonance compounds) in Vietnamese, and the word is part of a larger phonesthemic word family "l... t..." ("hanging, stretching, extending, looseness, sluggishness, down and out") in Chinese, from which a large amount of words were derived, eg. 潦倒、浪蕩、郎當、啷噹、鋃鐺、莨菪、龍鍾、弔兒郎當 ([1][2][3]). The word is still in use in some local speeches, although the word is not written and is not usually associated with these characters:
- 《現代漢語方言大詞典》第一卷:
- “【了𠄏】 ①〈名〉門窗上的搭鈕。官話。清張慎儀《方言別錄》:‘~即今門窗上搭鈕。’”(即懸垂之物)
- “【了佻】 ①〈形〉瘦長。江淮官話。湖北廣濟。 ③〈動〉懸掛著的。江淮官話。江蘇鎮江 ‘把屋樑上的~灰撣脫。’”
- “【了弔】〈名〉門上可掛鎖的搭扣。北京。清光緒十二年《順天府志》:‘順天人呼門邊懸鐵可加鎖者曰了弔。’”
- “【了弔兒】〈名〉門上的搭扣。 ㈠ 東北官話。……㈡ 北京官話。……㈢ 冀魯官話。……㈣ 膠遼官話。……㈤ 晉語。……㈥ 蘭銀官話。……。’”
Here are the definitions and variant characters for the second character in historical character dictionaries: 𠄏 (Change encoding to Chinese Traditional - Big5 if you see mojibake).
Historical attestations:
- 《老子化胡經》(4th century CE):
- “我身西化時。登上華岳山。舉目看崑崙。須彌了𠄏懸。矯翼履清虛。倏忽到天西。但見西王母。嚴駕欲東旋。玉女數萬千。姿容甚麗妍。天姿絕端嚴。齊執皇靈書。誦讀仙聖經。養我同時姝。將我入天庭。皇老東向坐。身體曒然明。授我仙聖道。接度天下賢。”
- 大正新脩大藏經 · 第八十五冊《楞伽師資記》(8th century CE):
- “大師云。涅槃經說善解一字。名曰律師。文出經中證在中內。又云。此心有心不。心是何心。又云。見色有色不。色是何色。又云。汝聞打鐘聲打時有。未打時有。聲是何聲。又云。打鐘聲。只在寺內有。十方世界亦有鐘聲不。又云。身滅影不滅。橋流水不流。我之道法。總會歸體用兩字。亦曰。重玄門。亦曰轉法輪。亦曰道果。又云。未見時見。見時見更見。又云。瓔珞經云。菩薩照寂佛寂照。又云。芥子入須彌。須彌入芥子也。又見飛鳥過。問云。是何物。又云。汝向了𠄏樹枝頭坐禪去時得不。又云。汝直入壁中過得不。又云。涅槃經說。有無邊身菩薩。從東方來。菩薩身既無邊際。云何更從東方來。何故不從西方來。南方北方來。可即不得也。”
- 《一切經音義》卷第五十七 (8th century CE):
- “了𠄏(又作了同丁皎反方言了𠄏懸也趙魏之閒謂懸曰𠄏郭璞曰了𠄏懸貌也(糹𠄏)是絹𠄏)。”
- 段玉裁《說文解字注》 (18th century CE):
- “了,尦也。尦,行脛相交也。牛行腳相交爲尦。凡物二股或一股結糾紾縳不直伸者,曰了戾。方言。軫,戾也。郭注。相了戻也。淮南原道訓注,楊倞荀卿注,王砅素問注,段成式酉陽雜組及諸書皆有了戾字。而或妄改之。方言曰。佻,縣也。郭注。了佻,縣物皃。丁小反。按他書引皆作了𠄏。亦卽許之了尦也。叚借爲憭悟字。从子無臂。象形。象其足了戾之形。盧鳥切。二部。凡了之屬皆从了。”
Wyang (talk) 06:30, 9 April 2014 (UTC)
- Very interesting. Thank you very much for that informative reply. ‑‑ Eiríkr Útlendi │ Tala við mig 06:58, 9 April 2014 (UTC)