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This Proto-Turkic entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.



Alternative reconstructions




Nişanyan and Eren both suggest a derivation from *āya- (to become clear; to have a moon) itself from *āy (moon). Note that both this word and *āy have initial h- in Khalaj.




  1. clear sky
  2. frost


Declension of *ayaŕ
singular 3)
nominative *ayaŕ
accusative *ayaŕïg, *ayaŕnï1)
genitive *ayaŕnïŋ
dative *ayaŕka
locative *ayaŕta
ablative *ayaŕtan
allative *ayaŕgaru
instrumental 2) *ayaŕïn
equative 2) *ayaŕča
similative 2) *ayaŕlayu
comitative 2) *ayaŕlïgu

1) Originally used only in pronominal declension.
2) The original instrumental, equative, similative, and comitative cases have fallen into disuse in many modern Turkic languages.
3) Plurality in Proto-Turkic is disputed. See also the notes on the Proto-Turkic/Locative-ablative case and plurality page on Wikibooks.


  • Oghur:
    • Chuvash: уяр (ujar, clear)
  • Proto-Common Turkic: *ayaz


  • al-Kashgarî, Mahmud (1072–1074) Besim Atalay, transl., Divanü Lûgat-it-Türk Tercümesi [Translation of the “Compendium of the languages of the Turks] (Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları; 521) (in Turkish), 1985 edition, volume I, Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurmu Basımevi, published 1939–1943, page 123
  • Clauson, Gerard (1972) “aya:s”, in An Etymological Dictionary of pre-thirteenth-century Turkish, Oxford: Clarendon Press, page 276
  • Eren, Hasan (1999) “ayaz”, in Türk Dilinin Etimolojik Sözlüğü [Etymological Dictionary of the Turkish Language]‎[1] (in Turkish), Ankara: Bizim Büro Basım Evi, page 26
  • Nişanyan, Sevan (2002–) “ayaz”, in Nişanyan Sözlük
  • Sevortjan, E. V. (1974) Etimologičeskij slovarʹ tjurkskix jazykov [Etymological Dictionary of Turkic Languages] (in Russian), volume I, Moscow: Nauka, page 102
  • Starostin, Sergei, Dybo, Anna, Mudrak, Oleg (2003) “*ańaŕ”, in Etymological dictionary of the Altaic languages (Handbuch der Orientalistik; VIII.8)‎[2], Leiden, New York, Köln: E.J. Brill
  • Räsänen, Martti (1969) Versuch eines etymologischen Wörterbuchs der Türksprachen (in German), Helsinki: Suomalais-ugrilainen seura, page 11