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This Proto-Celtic entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





From Proto-Indo-European *wert- (to turn).[1]




  1. to turn over


Thematic present, suffixless preterite
Active voice
Present Imperfect Future Preterite
1st singular *wertū *wertemam *wiwritsū *weworta
2nd singular *wertesi *wertetās *wiwritsesi *wewortas?
3rd singular *werteti *werteto *wiwritseti *weworte
1st plural *wertomosi *wertemo *wiwritsomosi *wewortmo
2nd plural *wertetesi *wertestē *wiwritsetesi *weworsse
3rd plural *wertonti *wertento *wiwritsonti *wewortars
Pres. subjunctive Past subjunctive Imperative
1st singular *wertsū ?
2nd singular *wertsesi ? *werte
3rd singular *wertseti ? *wertetou
1st plural *wertsomosi ? *wertomos
2nd plural *wertsetesi ? *wertete
3rd plural *wertsonti ? *wertontou
Passive voice
Present Imperfect Future Preterite
1st singular *wertūr *wiwritsūr *wewortra
2nd singular *wertetar *wiwritsetar *wewortras?
3rd singular *wertetor ? *wiwritsetor *wewortre
1st plural *wertommor *wiwritsommor ?
2nd plural *wertedwe *wiwritsedwe ?
3rd plural *wertontor ? *wiwritsontor ?
Pres. subjunctive Past subjunctive Imperative
1st singular *wertsūr
2nd singular *wertsetar
3rd singular *wertsetor
1st plural *wertsommor
2nd plural *wertsedwe
3rd plural *wertsontor
Declension of the present participle
masculine singular dual plural
nominative *wertonts *wertonte *wertontes
vocative *wertonts *wertonte *wertontes
accusative *wertontam *wertonte *wertontans
genitive *wertantos *? *wertantom
dative *wertantei *wertantbom *wertantbos
instrumental *wertantī? *wertantbim *wertantbis
feminine singular dual plural
nominative *wertantī *wertantī *wertantiyās
vocative *wertantī *wertantī *wertantiyās
accusative *wertantīm *wertantī *wertantiyans
genitive *wertantyās *? *wertantyom
dative *wertantyāi *wertantyābom *wertantyābos
instrumental *? *wertantyābim *wertantyābis
neuter singular dual plural
nominative *wertont *? *wertonta
vocative *wertont *? *wertonta
accusative *wertont *? *wertonta
genitive *wertantos *? *wertantom
dative *wertantei *? *wertantbos
instrumental *wertantī? *? *wertantbis
Declension of the middle participle
masculine singular dual plural
nominative *wertomnos *wertomnou *wertomnoi
vocative *wertomne *wertomnou *wertomnoi
accusative *wertomnom *wertomnou *wertomnons
genitive *wertomnī *wertomnous *wertomnom
dative *wertomnūi *wertomnobom *wertomnobos
instrumental *wertomnū *wertomnobim *wertomnobis
feminine singular dual plural
nominative *wertomnā *wertomnai *wertomnās
vocative *wertomnā *wertomnai *wertomnās
accusative *wertomnam *wertomnai *wertomnans
genitive *wertomnās *wertomnous *wertomnom
dative *wertomnai *wertomnābom *wertomnābos
instrumental *? *wertomnābim *wertomnābis
neuter singular dual plural
nominative *wertomnom *wertomnou *wertomnā
vocative *wertomnom *wertomnou *wertomnā
accusative *wertomnom *wertomnou *wertomnā
genitive *wertomnī *wertomnous *wertomnom
dative *wertomnūi *wertomnobom *wertomnobos
instrumental *wertomnū *wertomnobim *wertomnobis
Declension of the past participle
masculine singular dual plural
nominative *wrissos *wrissou *wrissoi
vocative *wrisse *wrissou *wrissoi
accusative *wrissom *wrissou *wrissons
genitive *wrissī *wrissous *wrissom
dative *wrissūi *wrissobom *wrissobos
instrumental *wrissū *wrissobim *wrissobis
feminine singular dual plural
nominative *wrissā *wrissai *wrissās
vocative *wrissā *wrissai *wrissās
accusative *wrissam *wrissai *wrissans
genitive *wrissās *wrissous *wrissom
dative *wrissai *wrissābom *wrissābos
instrumental *? *wrissābim *wrissābis
neuter singular dual plural
nominative *wrissom *wrissou *wrissā
vocative *wrissom *wrissou *wrissā
accusative *wrissom *wrissou *wrissā
genitive *wrissī *wrissous *wrissom
dative *wrissūi *wrissobom *wrissobos
instrumental *wrissū *wrissobim *wrissobis




  1. ^ Le Mair, Esther (2011 September 30) Secondary Verbs in Old Irish: A comparative-historical study of patterns of verbal derivation in the Old Irish Glosses, Galway: National University of Ireland, page 83