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This page is necessary for Template:zh-dial-map/all-lects which acts as a map that contains all the currently covered lects.

local export = {}

local data = mw.loadData("Module:zh/data/dial")

export.list = {
	title = "例",
	meaning = "example",
	notes = ""

local groupZH = {
	["Northeastern Mandarin"]	= "燕京官話",
	["Jilu Mandarin"]			= "冀魯官話",
	["Jiaoliao Mandarin"]		= "膠遼官話",
	["Lanyin Mandarin"]			= "蘭銀官話",
	["Central Plains Mandarin"]	= "中原官話",
	["Southwestern Mandarin"]	= "西南官話",
	["Jianghuai Mandarin"]		= "江淮官話",
	['Mandarin'] = '官話',
	['Cantonese'] = '粵語',
	['Hakka'] = '客家話',
	['Huizhou'] = '徽語',
	['Gan'] = '贛語',
	['Jin'] = '晉語',
	['Jiuxing Yumin'] = '九姓漁民方言',
	['Northern Min'] = '閩北語',
	['Eastern Min'] = '閩東語',
	['Southern Min'] = '閩南語',
	['Puxian Min'] = '莆仙閩語',
	['Zhongshan Min'] = '中山閩語',
	['Central Min'] = '閩中語',
	['Shaojiang Min'] = '邵將閩語',
	['Southern Pinghua'] = '桂南平話',
	['Northern Pinghua'] = '桂北平話',
	['Shehua'] = '畬話',
	['Waxiang'] = '瓦鄉話',
	['Wu'] = '吳語',
	['Xiang'] = '湘語',
	['Xiangnan Tuhua'] = '湘南土話',
	['Yuebei Tuhua'] = '粵北土話',

for _,lect in ipairs(data) do
	export.list[lect.key] = {groupZH[]}

return export