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See also: Ištvan


 István on Hungarian Wikipedia



Ultimately from Ancient Greek Στέφανος (Stéphanos). Greek names usually reached the Hungarian language via Latin (see Latin Stephanus) or Slavic (see e.g. Štefan). But the German Stephan also influenced the formation of the old Hungarian name Estefán ~ Istefán, from which today's István was created. There are written occurrences of the names Stephanus, Stefanus, Stepanus from the first years of the 11th century, and later on, the forms Stephan, Stepan, Stefan appear more and more often in certificates.[1]


  • IPA(key): [ˈiʃtvaːn]
  • Audio:(file)
  • Hyphenation: Ist‧ván
  • Rhymes: -aːn

Proper noun



  1. a male given name from Ancient Greek, equivalent to English Stephen


Inflection (stem in -o-, back harmony)
singular plural
nominative István Istvánok
accusative Istvánt Istvánokat
dative Istvánnak Istvánoknak
instrumental Istvánnal Istvánokkal
causal-final Istvánért Istvánokért
translative Istvánná Istvánokká
terminative Istvánig Istvánokig
essive-formal Istvánként Istvánokként
inessive Istvánban Istvánokban
superessive Istvánon Istvánokon
adessive Istvánnál Istvánoknál
illative Istvánba Istvánokba
sublative Istvánra Istvánokra
allative Istvánhoz Istvánokhoz
elative Istvánból Istvánokból
delative Istvánról Istvánokról
ablative Istvántól Istvánoktól
possessive – singular
Istváné Istvánoké
possessive – plural
Istvánéi Istvánokéi
Possessive forms of István
possessor single possession multiple possessions
1st person sing. Istvánom Istvánjaim
2nd person sing. Istvánod Istvánjaid
3rd person sing. Istvánja Istvánjai
1st person plural Istvánunk Istvánjaink
2nd person plural Istvánotok Istvánjaitok
3rd person plural Istvánjuk Istvánjaik

Derived terms



  1. ^ Fercsik, Erzsébet - Raátz, Judit: Keresztnevek Enciklopédiája (Encyclopedia of Christian Names), Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó, 2009

Further reading

  • István”, in Utónévkereső [Given Name Finder], HUN-REN Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics, 2013–present.