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Cantonese citations of 食雞 / 食鸡 (sik6 gai1)

  • 2018 June 4, “隧道驚現「食雞」越野車 網民呼好正︰好想射佢”, in 東網[1]:
    (please add an English translation of this quotation)
  • 2019 May 25, 今日最新闻[2], via GDTV:
    附近學校就讀學生放學相約嚟到小區52B天臺模擬真人食雞遊戲 [Cantonese, trad.]
    附近学校就读学生放学相约嚟到小区52B天台模拟真人食鸡游戏 [Cantonese, simp.]
    cat1 ming4 hai2 fu6 gan6 hok6 haau6 zau6 duk6 ge3 hok6 saang1 fong3 hok6 hau6, soeng1 joek3 lai4 dou3 siu2 keoi1 5 dung3 tung4 2 dung3 B zo6 ge3 tin1 toi4-2, mou4 ji5 zan1 jan4sik6 gai1” jau4 hei3. [Jyutping]
    Seven children attending the nearby school arranged to have a mock real-life "chicken dinner" game on the rooftop of residential estate building 5 and building 2 tower B.
  • 2019 September 23, “騰訊《絕地求生》系列手遊全球收入突破10億美元”, in 香港經濟日報 新經濟追蹤[3]:
    騰訊(00700)5月成功將「食雞」手遊《和平精英》(前身為《絕地求生:刺激戰場》)在內地商業化,根據Sensor Tower商店情報數據,《和平精英》及海外版《PUBG Mobile》在全球App Store和Google Play的總收入已突破10億美元(約78億港元);單計8月,總收入則超過1.6億美元(約12.5億港元),按年增長5.4倍。
    (please add an English translation of this quotation)