Japanese citations of 太政大臣
- late 9th century, Ise Monogatari (section 98)
- むかし、おほきおほいまうちぎみと聞こゆる、おはしけり。
- Mukashi, ōki ōimochigimi to kikoyuru, owashikeri.
- Long ago, there lived a certain chancellor.[1]
- むかし、おほきおほいまうちぎみと聞こゆる、おはしけり。
- late 9th century, Ise Monogatari (section 101)
- 「などかくしもよむ」と言ひければ「おほきおとどの栄花のさかりにみまそかりて、藤氏のことに栄ゆるを思ひてよめる」となむ言ひける。
- “Nado kakushi mo yomu,” to iikereba. “Ōki otodo no eiga no sakari ni mimasokarite, Tōshi no koto ni sakayuru o omoite yomeru,’ to namu iikeru.
- “Why compose a poem such as this?” they asked. He answered, “I was thinking how the chancellor has reached such heights these days and how his entire clan [Fujiwara] prospers.”[1]
- 「などかくしもよむ」と言ひければ「おほきおとどの栄花のさかりにみまそかりて、藤氏のことに栄ゆるを思ひてよめる」となむ言ひける。
- 938, Minamoto no Shitagō, Wamyō Ruijushō, volume 5:
- 太政大臣 朝廷職員令云:太政大臣[於保萬豆利古止乃於保萬豆岐美]
- Chancellor of the realm - according to the imperial Shikiin-ryō: the chancellor of the realm is [pronounced as] ōmatsurigoto no ōmatsugimi
- c. 974, Fujiwara no Michitsuna no Haha, Kagerō Nikki (part three)
- 「こはたがぞ、堀川殿の御ことにや」と問へば「おほきおとどの御文なり、御隨身にあるそれがしなむ殿にもて来たりけるを、おはせずといひけれどなほたしかにとてなむおきてけり」と言ふ。
- “Ko wa ta ga zo, Horikawa-dono onkoto ni ya,” to toeba. “Ōki otodo no o-fumi nari, mi-zuijin ni aru sore ga shi nan tono ni mote kitarikeru o, owasezu to iikeredo nao tashika ni totenan okitekeri,” to iu.
- (please add an English translation of this example)
- 「こはたがぞ、堀川殿の御ことにや」と問へば「おほきおとどの御文なり、御隨身にあるそれがしなむ殿にもて来たりけるを、おはせずといひけれどなほたしかにとてなむおきてけり」と言ふ。
- c. 1001–1014, Murasaki Shikibu, Genji Monogatari (Wakana, part 1)
- early 13th century, Heike Monogatari (chapter 1)
- ...まぢかくは六波羅の入道、前太政大臣平朝臣清盛公と申し人のありさま、伝へうけたまはるこそ心も詞も及ばれね。
- ...majikaku wa Rokuhara no nyūdō, saki no daijō-daijin Taira no Ason Kiyomori-kō to mōshi hito no arisama, tsutae uketamawaru koso kokoro mo uta mo oyobarene.
- But closest of all, and utterly beyond the power of mind to comprehend or tongue to relate, is the tale of Taira no Ason Kiyomori, the Rokuhara Buddhist Novice and Former Chancellor.[2]
- ...まぢかくは六波羅の入道、前太政大臣平朝臣清盛公と申し人のありさま、伝へうけたまはるこそ心も詞も及ばれね。
[edit]Old Japanese citations of 太政大臣
- 720, Nihon Shoki, Emperor Tenji, tenth year:
- 癸卯、大錦上中臣金連命宣神事。是日、以大友皇子拜太政大臣。
- On the day of the Water Rabbit, Daikinjō Nakatömi nö Kane nö Murazi was ordered to say prayers to the gods. That day, Prince Opotömö was appointed grand minister.