Appendix:English snowclones
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Snowclones are a kind of cliché in which the principal words of a phrase are changed while the structure of the phrase remains the same. These phrases are most often documented by replacing the variable words with letters (such as "X" and "Y"). This is how they are listed here. More detail can be found at the subpage for each snowclone.
[edit]- yes, Virginia, there is X
- X is dead, long live Y
- to X or not to X
- From Hamlet, play by William Shakespeare, ~1600: "To be or not to be", a soliloquy on existence.
- X me no Xs
- Popular in literature from the 16th to the 18th centuries, in which the speaker is asking that something not be provided to them, often (but not always) as a pun incorporating the use of a particular word both as a verb and as a noun. For example, "But me no buts"; "Cause me no causes", Philip Massinger, A New Way to Pay Old Debts (1625); "Play me no plays", Samuel Foote, The Knights (1748); "Tennessee me no Tennessees", Jack Kerouac, Visions of Cody (1972).
- X, thy name is Y
- From Hamlet, play by William Shakespeare, ~1609. It is used to indicate the completeness with which Y embodies a particular quality (X), usually a negative one.
- In X we trust
- See In God We Trust
20th century
[edit]- if Eskimos have N words for snow, X have Y words for Z
- This phrase was the inspiration for the name snowclone. It is a popular urban legend (see Eskimo words for snow) that "Eskimos" (Inuit) have many terms to refer to snow. First referenced in 1911.
- X? We don't need no stinkin' X!
- Originally "Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges!", from various adaptations of a 1927 book The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, most notably a 1974 film.
- X and Y and Z, oh my!
- From The Wizard of Oz, 1939: originally "Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!" X, Y and Z can be singular, plural or non-count, but the phrase usually remains with the stress pattern of "lions and tigers and bears, oh my".
- have X, will travel
- Popularized by a late 1950's TV show Have Gun – Will Travel; the implication is that the speaker of the phrase is for hire, owns a piece of equipment necessary to perform their work, and is willing to travel to the location of the job.
- have I got X for you
- From the TV show Have I Got News for You; often X will rhyme with "news", often in newspaper headlines e.g. "Have I got booze for you".[1][2]
- X, not stirred
- X is a past participle. Originally shaken, not stirred, from the James Bond books and movies, describing how Bond likes his martinis. (According to Wikipedia, it appeared first in 1956's novel Diamonds Are Forever, and first in movies in 1964's Goldfinger.)
- old X never die, they just Y away
- Original coined during World War I; see Old Soldiers Never Die. Newer versions may contain puns.
- Xing while Y
- A sardonic play on "driving while intoxicated." Often used to refer to African-Americans being pulled over by police because of racial profiling (e.g. "Driving while Black"). The phrase has now been extended to other groups.
- Y. X Y.
- X is a given name and Y a surname, or, more generally, X Y is the complete multi-word (especially two-word) name of something. Originally Bond. James Bond., from the James Bond movies, first in Dr. No, 1962.
- you won't have X to kick around anymore
- More rarely used with don't and any more. Originally You don't have Nixon to kick around any more, from Richard Nixon's so-called last press conference, 1962.
- X is the new Y
- Originally used with the names of color being used in current fashion trends, such as gray is the new black, 1960s.
- all X, all the time
- 1965, popularized as "All news, all the time" by WINS (AM) (New York), the first all-news radio station. It is used of 24/7 broadcast formats or things similarly characterized. At COCA, the most common Xs are "Monica [Lewinsky]", "rumor", "business", "speculation", but recently: SiriusXM Radio is launching a three-day, “All Harry, All The Time” channel devoted to the books, films and characters. Of a reported 178 hits for 6-7/12/2011 at Google News about 2/3 were for this sense.
- (to boldly go) where no X has gone before
- From “to boldly go where no man has gone before”, part of the opening sequence of the original Star Trek series (1966–1969). Starting in 1987 with Star Trek: The Next Generation, the line was changed to “to boldly go where no one has gone before”. Most often quoted directly without replacing “man”/“one”.
- X a man a Y, you Z him for a day. X a man to Y, you Z him for a lifetime
- Originating with the proverb "give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." Often used to parody old folk sayings of that sort.
- Examples include:
- “Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.” (Terry Pratchett, Jingo, 1997)
- "Teach every man to fish, and you will feed them all until the fish population collapses" (Zach Weiner, Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, 2016)
- "Give a man a fish, or he will destroy the only existing vial of antidote" (Randall Munroe, XKCD, hidden text)
- I knew X. I Y with X. Z, you're no X!
- Originating in the 1988 United States vice-presidential debate, when Senator Lloyd Bentsen remarked to Senator Dan Quayle, "Senator, I served with Jack Kennedy. I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy." Often the phrase "Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine." is misquoted as "I worked with Jack Kennedy," the phrase used on a later Saturday Night Live parody. Because of this confusion, often the second section of the template isn't in the snowclone.
- Examples include:
- "I knew Jane Goodall, and you are no Jane Goodall" ("George of the Jungle," Disney, 1997)
- "I knew Thomas Jefferson. He was a friend of mine. And governor, you're no Thomas Jefferson" (Ronald Reagan, 1992)
- "I know Batman, I once ratted out a counterfeiter to Batman, and believe me, you are no Batman" (Justice League, "Secret Society", Cartoon Network, 2003).
- lies, damned lies, and then there are X
- Attributed to an original quote by Mark Twain. "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics."
- "There's lies, damn lies and then there's history" is common.
- "There's lies, damn lies and then there's Y-ology (-ologists)" is also common.
- "There's lies, damn lies and then there's (political party/ politician)" can easily be found.
- Attributed to an original quote by Mark Twain. "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics."
- I'm an X, not a Y
- 1966-1969, from several Star Trek episodes, where the character Dr. McCoy says to Captain Kirk, "I'm a doctor, not an engineer (or bricklayer, mechanic, etc.)!" (The phrase was later used with even more gusto by The Doctor on Star Trek: Voyager.)
- if it's X, this must be Y
- X is the name of a day of the week (i.e., one of Sunday, Monday, etc.) From the title of the 1969 film If It's Tuesday, This Must Be Belgium.
- I am X, hear me Y
- From Helen Reddy's 1971/2 song "I Am Woman," which became a feminist anthem and included the lyric "I am woman, hear me roar."
- take this X and shove it
- Mid-1900s, especially popularized with the 1978 song and 1981 film titled Take This Job and Shove It.
- in X, no one can hear you Y
- the X strikes back
- From the 1980 film Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back.
- don't hate me because I'm X
- Probably from a 1980s shampoo commercial, "don't hate me because I'm beautiful".
- in Soviet Russia, Y Xs you
- Often known as Russian reversal, this construction was popularised by Yakov Smirnoff in the 1980s. Usually taken from a simple "[noun] [verb]s [object]" construction and reversed. In this way "you watch television" would become "In Soviet Russia, television watches you!" Often written in faux Cyrillic.
- I'm not an X, but I play one on TV
- From a 1986 cough syrup ad - originally "I'm not a doctor, but I play one on TV".
- use the X, Luke
- From the film Star Wars (1977), in which Luke Skywalker is exhorted: "use the Force, Luke".
- I, for one, welcome our new X overlords
- Popularised and probably originated by The Simpsons episode "Deep Space Homer". Commonly misattributed to the film Empire of the Ants (1977).
- I am X's Y
- Popularized by the film Fight Club (1999), originally from a series of 1960s and 1970s medical articles in Reader's Digest magazine, having titles such as I am Jane's Uterus and I am Joe's Prostate, in which organs in the human body talk about themselves in the first person. Credited in chapter 7 of Fight Club, the novel by Chuck Palahniuk.
- mother of all X
- A hyperbole used to refer to something as "great" or "the greatest of its kind". It entered American popular culture in September 1990 at the outset of the Gulf War.
- you wait ages for an X, and then Y show up at once
- Originally a standard lament about buses in British towns (see bus bunching). "three" is the usual number, but is not invariable.
- it's X wot won it
- From a 1992 headline in The Sun newspaper, "It's The Sun Wot Won It", referring to the Conservative Party's shock victory in the 1992 general election.
- X considered harmful
- Chiefly used in computing to indicate that something is bad practice. From the title (chosen by editor Niklaus Wirth) of a paper by Edsger Dijkstra, Go To Statement Considered Harmful
- Zen and the art of X
- From the title of Pirsig's book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (1974), itself presumably modelled on Herrigel's Zen in the Art of Archery (1948).
- I love the smell of X in the morning
- From the film Apocalypse Now (1979), where Lt. Col. Bill Kilgore (Robert Duvall) says, "I love the smell of napalm in the morning."
- the X is strong with this one
- From the film Star Wars (1977). Originally "the force is strong with this one".
- Wot no X?
- Used to complain humorously that something is not available. Wartime origin, referring to the unavailability of certain items due to rationing.
- X is in another Y
- From the game Super Mario Bros (1985), "Thank you Mario! But our princess is in another castle!"
- X rides again
- Used to indicate that something is back, or better than ever. Refers to the titles of various Western films.
- what happens in X, stays in X
- Widespread use originating in television commercials advertising Las Vegas as a tourist destination.
- ride the X train
- To get used to something; to adapt to something; to become accustomed to something (often in contrast to something opposite).
- X does not a Y make
- From one swallow does not a summer make, translation of a remark made by Aristotle, and stone walls do not a prison make, from "To Althea, from Prison" by Richard Lovelace.
- little X that could
- In reference to the American folk tale The Little Engine That Could.
- holy X, Batman
- X has left the building
- X with Chinese characteristics
- tough on X, tough on the causes of X
- Originally (with "crime" for X) a slogan of British prime minister Tony Blair.
- this is your brain on X
- 1980s, US anti-drug campaign by Partnership for a Drug-Free America (PDFA).
- some of my best friends are X
- Originally a song, Some of My Best Friends Are the Blues (A. Byron, W. Harris).
- it's the X, stupid
- 1992 US presidential campaign, It's the economy, stupid.
- everything you wanted to know about X, but were afraid to ask
- From the title of the book Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex* (*But Were Afraid to Ask) (1969).
- X? Where we're going we don't need X
- Originally "Roads? Where we're going we don't need roads", from Back to the Future (1985).
- the shape of X to come
- X% of all statistics are made up
- Used to humorously dismiss a statistics as untrue.
- what we talk about when we talk about X
- Title of a short story by Raymond Carver, What We Talk About When We Talk About Love (1981).
- with great X comes great Y
- Popularized by Spider-Man, originally "with great power comes great responsibility"
- friends don't let friends X
- Anti-drunk driving slogan: "Friends don't let friends drink and drive", US 1980s.
- first rule of X: do not talk about X
- Said of something that must be kept confidential. From the movie Fight Club (1999): "The first rule of Fight Club is you do not talk about Fight Club."
- I find your lack of X disturbing
- From the movie Star Wars (1977): "I find your lack of faith disturbing."
- I'm going to build my own X with blackjack and hookers! In fact, forget the X
- From the Futurama episode "The Series Has Landed" (1999): "I'm gonna go build my own theme park, with blackjack and hookers! In fact, forget the park!"
- I'm here to X A and Y B, and I'm all out of A
- From the movie They Live (1988): "I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass, and I’m all out of bubblegum."
21st century
[edit]- all your X are belong to us
- From the broken English line “All your base are belong to us” in the Japanese video game Zero Wing, released 1989; the meme gained widespread attention starting in 2000.
- a second X has hit the Y
- From the words used to inform U.S. President George W. Bush on 9/11 that "a second plane has hit the second tower." Repopularized in September 2022 by humorously replacing the plane and what it hit.
- save an X, Y a Z
- Popularized in 2004 by the country song Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy). Y is usually a verb (such as ride or eat), X is something which is habitually "Y"ed (such as a horse (ridden) or a tree (eaten)), and Z is the stereotypical "Y"er of X (such as a cowboy (rider) or beaver (eater)).
- one does not simply X into Y
- From the character Boromir's warning "One does not simply walk into Mordor" in the 2001 film The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. X is usually a verb indicating movement or entrance (such as stroll or log), and Y is something considered risky, difficult, etc., or implied to be so in a satirical manner.
- 2X4me
- Dated, and in meme use through the 2010s, a phrase modelled after expressions like “2spooky4me” or “2fast4me”. As an interjection, translates to the typical English “too X for me”. A more ironic or affectionate derivative is “3X5me”, with the same literal meaning.
- X lied, Y died
- Originated in 2003 with "Bush lied, people died", in reference to the casualties of the 2003 invasion of Iraq due to U.S. President George W. Bush's claim that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, after no such weapons were found.
- from Russia with X
- Xy McXface
- Popularized by the 2016 initiative to name a NERC research ship (now called RRS Sir David Attenborough) "Boaty McBoatface". [1] Subsequently used for, inter alia, a train [2], a horse [3] and Google's natural language parser [4].
- I'm looking at you, X
- Used to playfully point out that X is an example of what is being (unfavorably) discussed. X is not really being directly addressed, so X can be anything or anyone, inanimate or animate, abstract or concrete.
- make X Y again
- X is a noun (usually uncountable or plural) or proper noun, while Y is an adjective or verb. Popularized by Donald Trump's 2016 U.S. presidential campaign slogan "Make America Great Again".
- tell me X without (actually) telling me X
- X is often a phrase of the form "you're noun/adjective". Used to indicate that a certain behavior is very indicative of something even in absence of an explicit mention. Emerged in 2019 on social media.
- the real X is the friends we made along the way
- Used to dismiss X, especially to show disappointment after a lengthy wait. Based on a common TV/movie cliché in which X (commonly "treasure") is discovered to be worthless, and one of the characters will state this.
- there's an X for that
- From the Apple slogan “There's an app for that”.
- X is love, X is life
- From an anonymous 4chan forum post in 2013 about the cartoon character Shrek.
- X? on my Y? / X? in my Y?
- Often with emphasis on my, and originally often followed by "it's more likely than you think". Supposedly from a banner or pop-up ad for ContentWatch, an internet filtering software product (as "pornography? on my computer?").
- you wouldn't download X
- From the anti-piracy PSA "Piracy. It's a crime." that aired on July 27, 2004. The first line in the PSA is "you wouldn't steal a car." Internet users parodied the PSA by changing the catchphrase to "you wouldn't download a car." X could represent any physical object that is in high demand. Used to mock anti-piracy advocates, especially those who equate digital piracy with theft of a physical object.
- Xs gonna X
- From haters gonna hate.
- it's the X for me
- From the For Me Challenge on TikTok.
- tell me X without telling me X
- Draws attention to a giveaway in somebody's behavior.
- most/least X Y (in Z)
- Sarcastic. Used as a complete phrase. Probably originally from memes like "least nationalist Turk".
- X – the greatest thread in the history of forums, locked by a moderator after 12,239 pages of heated debate
- you do not, under any circumstances, gotta hand it to X
- From a dril tweet posted on February 15, 2017: "issuing correction on a previous post of mine, regarding the terror group ISIL. you do not, under any circumstances, 'gotta hand it to them'" X is usually a similarly-objectionable individual or group somebody else has seemingly praised.
- my "X" T-shirt has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my shirt
- From a tweet posted by actor and writer Mike Ginn on November 20, 2013: "My 'Not involved in human trafficking' T-shirt has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my shirt." X is usually a statement of denial apparent to be blatantly false by its specificity.
Date unknown
[edit]- Did someone say X?
- Alternatively used with somebody.
- where X goes to die
- Used to say that X is absent from a situation. For example, "homework is where fun goes to die".
- X breeds Y
- One example: familiarity breeds contempt.
- What price X?
- the X, the whole X, and nothing but the X
- In its canonical form, this expression is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, used in commitments made before giving sworn testimony.
- Remember when X? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
- From a series of commercials ran by Pepperidge Farm in the 1970s and 1980s, later parodied on Family Guy.
- to put the X in Y
- Y is a word whose pronunciation (or sometimes spelling) has as a substring the pronunciation (respectively, spelling) of X. For example, to put the "fun" in "fundamental", to put the "meow" in "homeowner", or to put the "U" (the "you") in "utopia".
- a few X short of a Y
- Used as a euphemism for someone else's being strange or demented. Such phrases are known as full-deckisms, after a popular form "a few cards short of a deck" or that one is "not playing with a full deck" (attested 1965). A few can be replaced with numbers, and short can be replaced with shy.
- What is this X of which you speak?
- Often used to present a sense of archaic lack of knowledge, as where one party suggests looking something up on the internet, and the other responds, "what is this internet of which you speak?"; [5].
- X called, they want their Y back
- Used to disparage a style or activity as being outdated, parochial, or imitative of a notable person; for example, towards someone wearing leg warmers and a sweater with shoulder pads, "The 1980s called, they want their clothes back".
- X with a capital Y
- Y is typically the first letter of X, as in terrible with a capital T, or jerk with a capital J. Emphasized form of X.
- that's X for you
- leave X Y
- X can be "it" or some emblem of exertion. Y is usually a prepositional phrase denoting a place, such as "on the field". From sports journalism it has spread throughout sports and to business.
- the great X in the sky
- X is some place, activity, group, etc. a dead person was known to be associated with, and enjoyed.
- gone to be with X
- X is someone presumed to be in heaven that a dead person would want to see: either a deity/dead religious figure, or a dead loved one. A euphemistic replacement for saying the person in question has died.
- X, they said. It'll be fun, they said.
- X is most commonly "join the army". Its origin is unattested but the phrase dates back to the 20th century.
- make like X and Y
- A form of pun, where Y is the verb for a proposed action (usually departing), and X is a noun that (punningly) might be thought to perform that action: e.g. "make like a tree and leave", "make like a baby and head out", "make like horseshit and hit the trail", "make like a banana and split".
- welcome to X(-town), population: Y
- Used to say that Y has property X or is affected by or involved with X. For example, "welcome to struggle town, population: you". Based on real-world town signs that display the population size below the town name.
- an X that just won't quit
- if I had an X for every time I Y
- Used to state that Y has happened a lot to the speaker. X is usually a unit of currency.
- Examples include:
- “Wow, if I had a nickel for every time I was doomed by a puppet, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened TWICE, right?“ (Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension, Disney Channel, 2011)
- X is X
- Asserting the virtue or essential nature of X: "justice is justice", "fair is fair", "$20 is $20", "love is love".
- as X as it gets
- Using the basic adjective to make a superlative phrase. That's about as good as it gets. = The best possible outcome.
- X.exe has stopped working
- From errors on Microsoft Windows operating systems reporting that an executable application has crashed.
- the X to end all Xs
- A really great or big X, e.g. "the party to end all parties". Possibly genericized from war to end all wars, used by optimists during World War I when it still had a literal sense.
- the X of all Xs
- Refers to the greatest or most prominent example of its kind (see also mother of all Xs and the X to end all Xs).
- one likes X, but X doesn't like one
- come back X, all is forgiven
- Asking for the return of a previously rejected person, or fictitious character (or maybe something like a year) because the situation has become even worse.
- if X is not Y, then I don't know what is
- X is the most obvious example of Y.
- if that's not X, I don't know what is
- A variant on the above.
- X will be X
- boys will be boys etc.
- I can't believe it's not X
- From the I Can't Believe It's Not Butter! spread brand.
- if it Ws like an X, Ys like an X, and Zs like an X, then it probably is an X
- If something shares many common attributes with X, then it probably is X (e.g. one may say if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck).
- X is the Y of Z
- Used to emphasize one or more similarities between X and Y, where X belongs to Z, but Y does not. [3]
- if X can't Y, nothing will
- Used to show that X is being used as a last resort after many failed attempts to do task Y.
- it's only W if it comes from the X region of Y, otherwise it's sparkling Z
- Originally "it's only champagne if it comes from the Champagne region of France, otherwise it's sparkling wine".
- there are two types of people in the world, X and Y
- Dichotomy used for Tautologies, False Dichotomies, Unitary Groupings or Meta Humor [4] (e.g., "There are basically two types of people. People who accomplish things, and people who claim to have accomplished things. The first group is less crowded.")
- what's X among friends?
- if you've seen one X, you've seen them all
- X is a hell of a drug
- Used to say that X has drug-like hallucinatory effects on people. For example, "love is a hell of a drug".
- show me an X, I'll show you a Y
- you can't spell X without Y
- Insinuates that X and Y are strongly, even intrinsically, linked. (Originally used of cases where Y is part of the spelling of X, but often by extension used even when this is not the case.)
- I got your X right here
- don't X me
- Is X in the room with us right now?
- not the X-est in the Y
- once a X, always a X
- For example, "one a cheater, always a cheater".
- so X I could die
- Meaning X to a great extent or degree, where X is an adjective.
- X, Y, and Z—pick any two
- Introduces three desirable qualities that one cannot have simultaneously.
- X among Xs
- X are born, not made
- X are made, not born
- X are X
- X are basically the same everywhere.
- X as X can be
- Meaning X to a high extent.
- Xer than thou
- X is a good servant but a bad master
- X is not going to Y itself
- X me and call me Y
- Indicates awe or amazement.
- X weather for ducks
- X Y is X
- Used to point out an obvious characteristic.
- X, and all I got was this lousy Y
- X walked so Y could run
- X made initial sacrifices so that Y could benefit and prosper further than X.
- X is Xing
- Probably based on the math is mathing.
- if X and Y had a baby
See also
[edit]Further information
[edit]Snowclone on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
Construction grammar on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
- Appendix:Non-English snowclones
External links
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