Appendix:Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms/H-I
Haanel depth rule Haarmann plow Haase furnace Haase system habit hachure hachure map hack hammer hackiron hackly hackly fracture hackmanite hacksaw structure hade Hadsel mill Haenisch and Schroeder process hafnium silicate hafnium titanate hag haeggite hag principle haiarn hailstone bort hair copper hair pyrite hair salt hairstone hair zeolite half-and-half plane half bearings half blinded half-cell half-course half end half headers half-life half-marrow half-period half-round nose half set half-value distance half-wave rectifier half width halide Halimond tube halite halitic haelleflinta Hallett table Hallinger shield halloysite Hall process Hall-Rowe wedge halo halocline halokinesis halotrichite haloxylin hamburgite hammada hammer hammer breaker hammer drill hammermill hammerpick hammochrysos hammock structure hand hand auger hand boring hand cable hand cleaning hand cobbing hand drilling hand electric lamp hand filling hand frame hand gear hand hammer hand hammer drill hand jig hand lamp hand lead handling plant hand loader hand mining handpicked coal handpicking hand sampling hand scraper hand selection handset hand specimen hand spraying hand tramming hand whip handyman hang hanger hangfire hanging bolts hanging coal hanging deal hanging its water hanging-on hanging pulley hanging scaffold hanging sets hanging wall hanging wall drift hanging wall of a fault hang-up haplite hard hard bottom hard coal hard-coal plow hardebank hardened steel hardener hardening hardening media hard ground Hardgrove number Hardgrove test hardhat hardhead hard heading Hardinge mill Hardinge thickener hard kiln hard mica hard needles (or inclusions) hardness hardness gage hardness pencils hardness plates hardness points hardness scale hardness table hardness test hardness wheel hardpan hard radiation hard rock hard-rock drilling hard-rock geology hard-rock mine hard-rock miner hard rock minerals hard-rock mining hard-rock phosphate hard-rock tunnel boring hards hard seat hard solder hard sorting hard spar hard vector hard water hard way hard white ore Hardwick conveyor loader head hardypick drifting machine Harman process harmful dust harmless depth theory harmonic harmonic crystal harmonic folding harmotome harpolith harrie harriers harrisite Harris process harrock harrow hartine hartite Hartley gravimeter hartleyite hartsalz hartschiefer Harvey process harzburgite Harz jig Hasenclever turntable hassing hasson Hastings beds hatch conveyor hatchet stake hatchettine hatchettite hatchettolite hatching hatchure Hatfield process hat rollers hauchecornite haul haulabout haulage haulage boss haulage brake haulage cars haulage chain haulage clip haulage conveyor haulage curve haulage drum haulage hand haulage mine locomotive haulage plant haulage rope haulage stage haulageway haulaway haulback mining haul-cycle time haul distance hauling hauling engine haul road haunt hausmannite hauyne hauynite haueynitite haueynophyre Hauy's law Hauzeur furnace Hawaiian peridot hawaiite hawk's-eye hawleyite hawser hawser laid Hayden process Hay mist projector hazel Hazelett process head headache post headblock headboard headbox head coal head end header head flat trimmer headframe headgear head grain headhouse heading heading-and-bench heading-and-bench mining heading and stall heading-and-stope mining heading blast heading-overhand bench headings heading seam heading side heading wall headline head motion head-of-hollow fill head piles head pulley head-pulley-drive conveyor head-pulley-snub-drive conveyor headrace headroom headrope heads head section head shaft head sheave head side headsticks headstocks headsword head tank headtree head value headwall headway headwork heap heap closure heap decommissioning heaped capacity heap leaching heap matte heap rinsing heap roasting heap sampling heapstead hearth hearth and bosh brick hearth furnaces hearthplate hearth roasting heart joint heat heat balance heat capacity heat conductivity heated stone heat energy heat engine heater heater drain pump heat exchanger heating back heating medium heatings heating surface heating tendency heat of combustion heat of compression heat of crystallization heat of hydration heat of ionization heat of mixture heat of reaction heat of transformation heat of wetting heat pump heat recuperation heat sensitivity heat transmission coefficient heat-treated stone heat unit heat value heave heavily watered heaving heaving shale heavy crop heavy gold heavy ground heavy joist heavy liquid separation heavy-media ore heavy-media separation heavy metals heavy mineral heavy soil heavy spar heavy tiff heavy water hecatolite hectare hectorite hedenbergite hedgehog stone hedging hedyphane heel heeling in heel of a shot heep stead height of instrument heinrichite heintzite helenite helical bag conveyor helical conveyor helical steel support helicitic helictite heliodor heliolite heliotrope helium helizitic helks hellyerite Helmholtz coil helper-up helvite hemafibrite Hematine hematite hematite schist hemetite hemi- hemicrystalline hemidome hemihedral hemimorphic hemimorphism hemiopal hemipelagic hemipelagic-abyssal hemiprism hemipyramid hemitropic hemloite hendersonite Henderson process hengleinite henry henryite hepatic cinnabar hepatic pyrite hepatin hepatite heptaphyllite heptavalent hercularc lining Hercules powder Hercules stone hercynite herderite Herkimer diamond Heroult process herrerite Herreshoff furnace herringbone roller conveyor herringbone stoping herringbone table herringbone texture hertz hess hessite hessonite hetaerolite hetero- heteroblastic heterogeneous heterogenite heterogranular heteromorphic heteromorphism heteropic heterothrausmatic heterotomous heugh heulandite hewer hewettite hewing hewing double hexad hexagonal hexagonal close-packed crystals hexagonal system hexagonite hexahydrite hexavalent Hexhlet sampler Heyn's reagent hiatal hiatus Hicks' hydrometer hiddenite hide salt high high-alumina refractories high-angle fault high-carbon steel high-conductivity copper high doors high-expansion foam high explosive high feed high furnace high-grade high-grade mill high-grading high-level placer highmoor peat high-phosphorus ores high pillar high quartz high-raise miner high-rank coals high-rank metamorphism high-ratio resistance controller high reef high-reef wash high-resolution seismic technique high seas high side high-silica ore high sintering high-temperature bonding mortar high-tensile steel high-tension line high-tension separation high velocity high volatile A bituminous coal high volatile B bituminous coal high volatile C bituminous coal high-volatile coals high voltage highwall high-water level highwoodite hilgardite hill hill-and-dale formation hillock hill peat hillside hillside placers hillside quarry hillslope Hilt's law hindered settling hindered-settling ratio hindostan hinge hinged apron hinged apron pan hinged bar hinged-hammer crusher hinge fault hinterland hintzeite hircite Hirschback method hisingerite histogram historical geology hit hitch hitch-and-step hitch cutter hitcher hitcher-on hitch timbering Hi-Velocity gelatin hjelmite hod hodge jig hoedown hoegbomite hoelite hoernesite Hoesch process hoe scraper Hoganas process hogback hoegbomite hoggan hogger hogger pipe hogger pump hoggin hogging moment hohmannite hoist hoist back-out switch hoist boy hoist engineer hoist engineman hoister hoisting hoisting block hoisting compartment hoisting crab hoisting cycle hoisting drum hoisting engineer hoisting jack hoisting plug hoisting power hoisting rope hoisting sheave hoistman hoist operator hoist overspeed device hoist overwind device hoist signal code hoist signal system hoist slack brake switch hoist trip recorder holdback Holdcroft thermoscope bar holdenite holdfast holding holding-down bolt holding rope hold out! hole hole curvature hole deviation hole-in hole layout holeman holers hole system hole through holing holing about holing nog holing pick holings holing shovel holing-through Holland-Gaddy formula hollandite hollow dam hollow-plunger pump hollow quoin hollow-rod churn drill hollows Holman Airleg Holman counterbalanced drill rig Holman dust extractor Holmberg system Holme mud sampler Holme suction grab holmquistite Holocene holocrystalline holohedral holohyaline hololeims holystone home homeoblastic homeothrausmatic homocline homoeomorphism homogeneity homogeneous homogeneous mass homopolar crystal homoseismal line homotropal ventilation hondurasite honeycomb honeycomb structure honeycomb weathering honey stone Honigmann process hoodoo hook block Hooke's law hook forward method hook-on hook tender Hoolamite indicator Hooper jig Hoope's process Hopcalite hopeite Hopfner process Hopkinson chain machine hopper hopper car hopper crystal hopper dredge hopperings hoppers hopper salt hopper table hoppet hoppit horadiam horizon horizon mining horizontal auger horizontal balance horizontal borer horizontal circle horizontal crosscut horizontal cut horizontal-cut underhand horizontal departure horizontal dip slip horizontal displacement horizontal drive horizontal fault horizontal intensity horizontal load-bearing test horizontal pendulum horizontal prism horizontal-ring drilling horizontal screens horizontal separation horizontal slip horizontal takeup horizontal throw hornblende granite hornblende schist horn coal horn coral hoernesite hornfels horn lead horn quicksilver Hornsey process horn silver horn socket horn tiff horse horseback horseback excavator horseflesh ore horse gear horsepower applied horsepower-hour horsepower of ventilation horsepower pull horsetail horsetail ore horse transport horse whim horsfordite horst hortonolite hose coupling hoshiite Hoskold formula host host element host rock hot hotbed hot blast hot-blast man hot-blast system hot-carbonate process hot cell Hotchkiss superdip ianthinite ice iceberg ice concrete ice-laid drift Iceland agate Iceland crystal Iceland spar ice period ice plug ice run ice sheet ice spar ice stone icositetrahedron idaite iddingsite ideal gas ideal section identified resources identity idioblast idioblastic idiochromatic idiochromatic mineral idiogenite idiomorphic idler disk idler gear idle wheel idocrase idrialite igdloite Igewsky's reagent igneous igneous breccia igneous complex igneous cycle igneous metamorphism igneous rock igneous-rock series ignescent ignimbrite ignitability ignitability (dust cloud) igniter igniter cord ignition ignition arch ignition charge ignition delay ignition of combustible gases ignition point ignition temperature ignition tube ihleite ijolite ikunolite ilesite ilesmannite Ilgner flywheel Ilgner system ill air illegal mine illinition illiquation illite ilmenite ilmenitite ilmenorutile ilvaite imandrite imbibition imbricate structure imitation Imlay table immediate roof immersion cup immersion method immersion objective imminent danger immiscible impact impact breakers impact cast impact crusher impact factor impact glass impact grinding impactite impact loss impact mill impact screen impact sensitivity impact slag impalpable impedance imperfect combustion imperial jade Imperial screen impermeable impervious impinger implosion impound impounding dam impregnated impregnated bit impregnated timber impression block improper improved dial Improved paragon impulse turbine impurity inby incandescent incarbonization incendivity inches of pressure inching starter inch of water inch pennyweights inch-pound incidence rate incidental vein inclination inclinator incline incline bogie inclined bedded formation inclined bedding inclined borehole inclined cableway inclined drilling inclined extinction inclined fold inclined gage inclined magnetic polarization inclined plane inclined polarization inclined railroad operator inclined railway operator inclined shaft inclined traverser inclined water gage incline engine incline hole incline man incline repairman incline shaft incline trackman inclinometer included angle inclusion inclusions incoalation incoherent incombustible incompetent incompetent bed incompetent folding incomplete combustion incongruent melting incorporation increment incrop incrustation independent subsidence independent wire rope core inderborite inderite index bed index contour index fossil index horizon index mineral index of liquidity index of plasticity index of refraction index properties index property tests indialite Indian-cut Indian jade Indian title India steel indicated ore indicated resources indicator indicator plant indicator vein indices of a crystal face indicolite indigenous limonite indigo copper indirect flushing indirect initiation indirect priming indite indium individually screened trailing cable individual reduction ratio indoor catches indoor stroke indraft induced breaks induced bursts induced caving induced cleavage induced current induced fracture induced magnetization induced polarization induction induction balance induction furnace induction hardening induction log induction period induction time inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy inductive method indurated induration industrial calorific value industrial degree-day industrial diamonds industrial minerals inequigranular inequilibrium inert anode inert dust inert gas inertia inertinite inert primer inerts inesite infective jaundice inferred ore inferred reserve base inferred resources infilling infiltration infiltration vein inflammable cinnabar inflatable seal inflation influence line in fork infrared infrared gas analyzer infrared photography infrasizer infrastructure infusible infusion gun infusion shot firing infusorial earth infusorial silica ingate ingot ingot header ingot iron ingotism ingot mold ingot pitch ingot saw ingot structure ingredient ingress inhabited building inhaul cable inherent ash inherent floatability inherent mineral matter inherent moisture inherited structure inhibitor initial depression initial dip initial face initial impulse initiation initiator injected hole injection injection gneiss injection metamorphism injection pressure injector inkstone inlier in-line valve inmost inner core inner mantle innermost isoseismal inoculation inorganic in-over in-pit crusher inquartation inrush of water inselberg insert insert bit inserted rod-type pick insert reaming shell insert set inset inside inside angling inside clearance inside face inside gage inside-gage stone inside-haulage engineer inside kicker inside parting inside reamer inside slope inside stone inside upset inside work in situ in situ autoclave in situ gasification in situ leaching in situ liner in situ origin theory in situ processes in situ soil tests in situ vat insoluble insoluble anode inspector inspirator instantaneous charge weight instantaneous cuts instantaneous detonator instantaneous fuse Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Institution of Mining and Metallurgy screen scale instroke instrumentalities of mining instrumentation insufflator insular shelf insular slope insulate insulating water bottle insulator-tube header insurance and freight cost intake intake area integral pilot integrated producer integrated train integrating meter integration integrator intense anomaly intensity intensity of magnetization intensity of pressure intensity of radiation intensity scale interbedded interburden intercalated intercept intercepting channel intercepting drain intercepts intercept time intercooler intercooling interfacial angle interfacial energy interfacial tension interference interference color interference figure interference methanometer interfluve interformational intergranular corrosion intergrown intergrowth interior angle interior coalfields interior span interleaved interlock interlocking controls interlocking wedge-type capping intermediate intermediate constituent intermediate cooler intermediate cut intermediate-duty fireclay brick intermediate electrode intermediate gate intermediate haulage intermediate haulage conveyor intermediate layer intermediate loading station intermediate microcline intermediate packs intermediate principal plane intermediate principal stress intermediate section intermediate shaft intermediate transfer point intermediate vein zone deposit intermetallic compound intermittent cutter intermittent filters intermontane internal-discharge bucket elevator internal drainage internal elevator internal ribbon conveyor internal stress internal waste international ampere International Ellipsoid of 1930 international metric carat interpenetration twin interphase interpolation interpolation of contours interrupter intersect intersection intersection angle intersection point intersection shoot intersertal interspersed carbide interstice interstitial interstitial water interstratification interstratified interstream area intertrappean interval interwoven conveyor belt in-the-seam mining into the house into the solid intracrystalline intrados intradosal intraformational intraformational breccia intraformational conglomerate intraformational contortion intratelluric intrinsically safe apparatus intrinsically safe circuit intrinsically safe machine intrinsic safety introductory column intrusion intrusion breccia intrusion displacement intrusion grouting intrusive intrusive vein intumescence inundation Invar invasion inverse distance squared inverse initiation Inverse Square Law inversion inversion point invert inverted inverted fold inverted heading and bench inverted pendulum inverted plunge inverted relief inverted siphon invert level invert strut invisible light inwall inwall brick inyoite iodargyrite iodembolite iodide metal iodide process iodide process for producing titanium iodimetry iodine iodine pentoxide method iodine pentoxide test iodobromite iodyrite iolite ion ion exchange ion-exchange column ionic activity measurement ionic bond ionic equilibrium ionic migration ionic mobility ionic transport number ionite ionization ionization chamber ionization constant ionizing radiation ionosphere ion sieve separation iozite iranite iridescence iridic gold iridioplatinum iridium iridosmine iriginite Irish coal Irish dividend iris quartz iron iron alum iron black iron clay iron formation iron froth iron furnace iron glance iron hat iron hypersthene iron man ironmaster iron mica iron molybdate iron monarch iron olivine iron ore iron oxide iron oxides iron pan iron phosphate iron piler iron portland cement iron pyrite iron-reduction process iron refining iron runner iron sampler iron sand iron schefferite iron series ironshot ironsmith iron spar iron stain iron steel ironstone ironstone cap ironstone clay iron sulfides iron talc iron vitriol ironworker ironworks irradiation irregular polygon irrespirable irrespirable atmosphere irrotational wave irruption isanomalic line Isbell table iserine ishikawaite isinglass island arc isoanthracite lines isobar isobase isobath isocals isocarb isocarbon map isochore isochore map isochrome map isochronal isochrone lines isochronous isoclinal isoclinal fold isocline isoclinic isoclinic line isodesmic isodiametric isodimorphous isodynamic line isoelectric point isofacial isogal isogam isogam map isogeotherm isogeothermal line isogon isogonic line isograd isograde isogram isohume isohyet isolate isolated consignment isolator isoline isolith isolith map isomagnetic line isomer isomeric isometric isometric line isometric projection isomorphism isomorphous isomorphous mixture isomorphous replacement isomorphous series isontic line isopach isopach map isopachous isopachous line isopachous map isopachyte isophysical series isopic isopical isopiestic isopiestic line isopleth isopor isoporic line isopycnic isorads isoresistivity plan isoseism isoseismal isoseismal line isostannite isostasy isostatic isostatic adjustment isostatic anomaly isostatic compensation isostatic correction isostatic equilibrium isostructural isotherm isothermal isothermal compression isothermal expansion isothermal layer isothrausmatic isotropic isotropic mass isotropy isotypic isotypy isovelocity isovol Istrian stone itabirite itacolumite Italian asbestos ivory ivory turquoise Iwan-pattern earth auger Ixiolite