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Cyrillic -ҹил
Abjad -چیل


  • IPA(key): [d͡ʒɯɫ], [d͡zɯɫ]


preceding vowel
a / i e / ə / i̇ o / u ö / ü
-cıl -cil -cul -cül


  1. Suffix appended to nouns to derive adjectives with the meaning of inclination.[1]
    (work) + ‎-cil → ‎işcil (hard-working, industrious)
    yuxu (sleep) + ‎-cil → ‎yuxucul (prone to sleep a lot)
    ard (sequel, continuation) + ‎-cil → ‎ardıcıl (consistent)
    ölüm (death) + ‎-cil → ‎ölümcül (deadly)


  1. ^ Şirəliyev, Məmmədağa, Sevortyan, Ervand (1971) “-cil”, in Grammatika azerbajdžanskovo jazyka. Fonetika, morfologija i sintaksis. [Grammar of Azerbaijani language. Phonetics, morphology, syntax.], Baku: Elm, page 64





Inherited from Ottoman Turkish ـجیل (-cil).




preceding vowel
a / ı e / i o / u ö / ü
default -cıl -cil -cul -cül
assimilated -çıl -çil -çul -çül


  1. Derives names of animals, mainly but not exclusively birds, which denote their diet or their tendency to prey on a certain type of animal.
    balık (fish) + ‎-çıl → ‎balıkçıl (heron, literally that which feeds on fish)
    arı (bee) + ‎-cıl → ‎arıcıl (bee-eater, literally that which feeds on bees)
    et (meat) + ‎-çil → ‎etçil (meat eater, carnivore)
    ot (straw, grass) + ‎-çul → ‎otçul (plant eater, herbivore)
  2. Derives names of plants or animals, which denote their tendency or preference to habitate a certain type of environment or location.
    batak (bog, marsh) + ‎-çıl → ‎batakçıl (that which lives, likes to live in swamps, swampy areas)
    kurak (dry, arid) + ‎-çıl → ‎kurakçıl (that which lives, likes to live in a dry, arid environment)
    dağ (mountain) + ‎-cıl → ‎dağcıl (that which lives, likes to live on mountains, in mountainous areas)
  3. Derives adjectives from nouns, which denote a tendency, fondness, habit, affection or dependency towards an action or behaviour.
    ben (I, me, self) + ‎-cil → ‎bencil (selfish, egotistical)
    kötü (evil, malice) + ‎-cül → ‎kötücül (malicious, wicked, ill-intentioned)
    ev (home, house) + ‎-cil → ‎evcil (homely, domesticated)
    kin (grudge) + ‎-cil → ‎kincil (grudging, vengeful, revengeful)
  4. Adds the meaning of tendency, willingness or closeness.
    ön (front, anterior) + ‎-cül → ‎öncül (that which leads, leading)
    art (back, rear) + ‎-çıl → ‎artçıl (that which comes from behind, latter)
    ölüm (death) + ‎-cül → ‎ölümcül (deadly, fatal)
  5. Adds the meaning of similarity, likeness.
    ak (white) + ‎-çıl → ‎akçıl (whitened, blenched)
    kır (grey) + ‎-çıl → ‎kırçıl (greyed, starting to grey)
  6. Derives terms.
    bütün (whole, entirety) + ‎-cül → ‎bütüncül (holistic, totalitarian)
    hep (all, ever) + ‎-çil → ‎hepçil (omnivore)

Derived terms
