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U+2026, …

General Punctuation



Alternative forms


Punctuation mark


(English name ellipsis)

  1. Indicates a pause.
  2. Indicates an omission.
    One critic described the novel as "not the greatest he has written, but ... perhaps the most memorable".
  3. Indicates trailing off at the end of a sentence.
  4. (Internet slang, text messaging) A response used to express being at a loss for words, such as due to annoyance, shock, or confusion.
    You're 35, you still live with your mother, you have no job, no hope, no prospects, what's the point of even going on?
  5. (text messaging, dated) Separates different ideas or messages within the same text message. (In modern usage, multiple messages would be sent instead.)[1]
    Boomer ellipses
  6. (computing) Indicates that a computer command will request further information, typically by opening a dialog box.
    Save as...
    Find and replace...
  7. (chiefly advertising, dated) Links loosely related clauses and surrounds parentheticals in the manner of the comma, semicolon or em dash
    • 1944, advert for the U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps in Life magazine, Volume 16, Number 4 (page 31)
      Free training ... with pay ... in the U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps
    • 1944, McGraw-Hill, Engineering and Mining Journal, volume 145 (in English), page 54:
      A relieved world then will eagerly turn to the task of reclaiming the destruction wrought by Mars ... A tremendous task, filled with infinite possibilities ... A profitable task, according to how well you are prepared to do your part in the rehabilitation
    • 1951, advert for IBM in Fortune magazine, volume 44 number 6, December 1951, page 55.
      Thousands of IBM business machines ... critical to our nation's defense ... are at work for science, industry, and the armed forces
    • 1973, advert for MIT calculators in Radio-Electronics, January issue, page 15
      Adds...subtracts...multiplies...divides...instantly & electronically!
  8. (chess) In algebraic notation: Preceding a move made by Black, unless White's previous move is given on the same line.
    • 2023 January 13, Leonard Barden, “Chess: Carlsen takes on young guns at Wijk as world champion eyes record”, in The Guardian[3] (in English), archived from the original on 2023-01-23:
      1...Qd3 2 Ne1 Nd2! wins since 3 Nxd3 Rxf1 mate while 3 Qxc7+ Kg6 only delays the end.
  9. (typography) May be, or form part of, a leader: a series of dots used as a visual aid to connect items in lists, such as chapter headers to page numbers in a table of contents.



For quotations using this term, see Citations:….

Derived terms




  1. (mathematics) In a sequence of numbers, omits numbers, when the pattern to be followed is clear.
    1, 2, 3, ..., 1000
    1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 100
  2. (mathematics) Indicates that an indefinite sequence of digits of an irrational number follows.
    The square root of 2 is 1.4142135623730950488
  3. See ... for the Morse code letter "S".



For quotations using this term, see Citations:….

See also







Punctuation mark


  1. See …….