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phonetic; (final part.); (interj.)
phonetic; (final part.); (interj.); flatter; an initial particle; prefix to names of people
surname; name of a dynasty
to make into; to change into; ‑ization
to make into; to change into; ‑ization; to ... ‑ize; to transform
scoundrel; swelling of the liver ointment; paste
trad. (阿魏化痞膏)
simp. #(阿魏化痞膏)






  1. A black plaster spread on cloth, used in traditional Chinese medicine to "treat abdominal masses due to stagnation of qi and congealed blood that is accompanied by epigastric and abdominal pain, and a feeling of fullness and distension in the chest and hypochondriac regions". It is traditionally plastered on the "umbilicus or the afflicted area after being softened by heating".

The formulation of the plaster is:

Name Chinese (S) Grams
Rhizoma Cyperi 香附 20
Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 厚朴 20
Rhizoma Sparganii 三棱 20
Rhizoma Curcumae 莪术 20
Radix Angelicae Sinensis 当归 20
Radix Aconiti Preparata 制川乌 20
Radix Aconitii (not prepared) 生川乌 20
Bulbus Allii 大蒜 20
Fructus Quisqualis 使君子 20
Radix Angelicae Dahuricae 白芷 20
Squama Manis 穿山甲 20
Semen Momordicae 木鳖子 20
Catharsius 蜣螂 20
Rhizoma Picrorhizae 胡黄连 20
Radix et Rhizoma Rhei 大黄 20
Semen Ricini 蓖麻子 20
Olibanum 乳香 3
Myrrha (Commiphora myrrha) 没药 3
Aloe 芦荟 3
Resina Draconis 血竭 3
Realgar 雄黄 15
Cortex Cinnamomi 桂皮 15
Camphora 樟脑 15
Resina Ferulae 阿魏 20


  • State Pharmacopoeia Commission of the PRC (2005). "Pharmacopoeia of The People's Republic of China (Volume I)". Chemical Industry Press. →ISBN.