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drawers; trousers; pants
to shed; to take off; to escape
to shed; to take off; to escape; to get away from
I; me
to see; to look at; to look after
to see; to look at; to look after; to take care of; to watch; to guard; it depends; think
trad. (褲脫我看/褲脱我看) /
simp. (裤脱我看)
Literally: “pants-off-I-see”.



A humorous pseudo-chengyu condensed from:

這個 [MSC, trad.]
这个 [MSC, simp.]
zi dōu tuō le, nǐ jiù ràng kàn zhège? [Pinyin]
I've already taken my pants off (i.e. ready to masturbate), and you've only got this for me to see/watch?
Original sense: One has read the title or seen the cover of a video and has found it containing something sexually attractive and has got excited and has prepared to masturbate. But later he/she (mainly "he") finds the video contains nothing for masturbating and thus is deceived by the title or the cover of the video, and he/she gets disappointed.






  1. (neologism, slang, humorous) Used to express disappointment after being deceived, such as by a clickbait title.