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class; rank; grade
class; rank; grade; equal to; same as; wait for; await; et cetera; and so on
(a measure word); individual grandson
to burn; to cook; to stew
to burn; to cook; to stew; to bake; to roast; fever
confer on; give to I; me
trad. (等個孫燒畀我)
simp. (等个孙烧畀我)
alternative forms 等個孫燒俾我等个孙烧俾我
Literally: “to let my grandson burn it [as sacrificial offerings] for me”.






  1. (Cantonese, slang, humorous) Used to describe something (usually comics) that is taking a long time between releases. Implies that something is not likely to happen within one's lifetime.
    成年漫畫睇怕等個孫燒畀我 [Cantonese, trad.]
    成年漫画睇怕等个孙烧畀我 [Cantonese, simp.]
    seng4 nin4 dou1 mei6 ceot1 san1 jat1 bun2 maan6 waa6-2, tai2 paa3 dou1 hai6 jiu3 dang2 go3 syun1 siu1 bei2 ngo5 laa3. [Jyutping]
    It's been almost a year and yet there hasn't been a new comic release. I reckon the release will happen when Hell freezes over.

