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Old Japanese




Compound of (to₂si, year) +‎ (tuki₂, month) +‎ (pi₁, day), or of (to₂si, year(s)) +‎ 月日 (tuki₂pi₁, months and days → time).



歲月日 (to₂situki₂pi₁) (kana としつきひ)

  1. The meaning of this term is uncertain. Possibilities include: a date (time, year, month, and day); years, months, and days; times
    • c. 759, Man’yōshū, book 3, poem 443:
      ...ika naramu to₂situki₂pi₁ ni ka tutuzi-pana nipope₁ru ki₁mi₁ ga...
      ...what should it be? Years, months, and days? Freshly blooming likely tutuzi flowers, my lord...


  • Japanese: 年月日 (toshitsukihi), in modern dictionaries