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political; politics; government
go through; know well; to connect
go through; know well; to connect; to communicate; open
harmony among people; unity of people
trad. (政通人和) 人和
simp. #(政通人和) 人和



From Memorial to Yueyang Tower (岳陽樓記) by 范仲淹 (Fan Zhongyan):

慶曆,滕子京謫守巴陵明年政通人和百廢具興 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
庆历,滕子京谪守巴陵明年政通人和百废具兴 [Classical Chinese, simp.]
From: 1046, 范仲淹 (Fan Zhongyan), 《岳陽樓記》
Qìnglì sì nián chūn, Téng Zǐjīng zhéshǒu Bālíng jùn. Yuè míngnián, zhèngtōngrénhé, bǎifèijùxìng. [Pinyin]
In spring of the fourth year of the reign of Emperor Qingli, Teng Zijing was demoted and exiled to Baling County. After two years, governance is smooth, and the people are happy and harmonious; all the previously abandoned tasks are being undertaken.






  1. to have smooth governance and a happy and harmonious society