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Hong Kong
times; age; epoch; era; period of time; period of time in one's life
trad. (光復香港、時代革命) 光復 香港 時代 革命
simp. (光复香港、时代革命) 光复 香港 时代 革命


The slogan as depicted on a 2019 Hong Kong protests flag.

Coined by Hong Kong independence activist Edward Leung in 2016, later used extensively during the 2019 Hong Kong protests as an anti-Chinese and pro-independence slogan.






  1. (politics) Liberate Hong Kong, revolution of our times, a slogan calling for support for the 2019 Hong Kong protests
    光復香港時代革命 [MSC, trad.]
    光复香港时代革命 [MSC, simp.]
    guāngfùxiānggǎng, shídàigémìng [Pinyin]
    Liberate Hong Kong, revolution of our times

Usage notes

  • Used by Hong Kong independence activists.