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one; single; a
one; single; a; (before verbs) as soon as, once; (before a noun) entire (family, etc.)
roots or stems of plants; origin; source
roots or stems of plants; origin; source; this; the current; root; foundation; basis; (a measure word)
almanac; ephemeris; notice from the bridegroom's family to the bride's on the wedding date
look down upon; (Cantonese) to look; to see
look down upon; (Cantonese) to look; to see; to look after; to think
to (a place); until (a time); up to
to (a place); until (a time); up to; to go; to arrive
old; aged; venerable
old; aged; venerable; outdated; experienced; (affectionate prefix)
trad. (一本通書睇到老) 通書
simp. (一本通书睇到老) 通书
Literally: “reading the same almanac into old age”.






  1. (Cantonese) to be rigid and inflexible; to be unadaptable