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kun'yomi goon



Compound of バターン (Batān, Bataan) +‎ (shi, death) +‎ (no, of) +‎ 行進 (kōshin, march).


  • IPA(key): [ba̠ta̠ːɰ̃ ɕi no̞ ko̞ːɕĩɴ]

Proper noun


バターン()(こう)(しん) (Batān shi no kōshin

  1. (World War II) the Bataan Death March
    バターン()(こう)(しん)は、(だい)()()()(かい)(たい)(せん)のアジア(たい)(へい)(よう)(せん)(せん)(しょ)()(だん)(かい)1942(せんきゅうひゃくよんじゅうに)(ねん) 4()(がつ) 9(ここの)()から 17(じゅうなな)(にち)にかけて、()(ほん)(ぐん)によって、7(なな)(まん)6(ろく)(せん)(にん)()(りょ)(フィリピン(じん) 6(ろく)(まん)6(ろく)(せん)(にん)、アメリカ(じん) 1(いち)(まん)(にん))がフィリピンで(やく) 66(ろくじゅうろく) マイル106(ひゃくろく) キロメートル)の(きょう)(せい)()(そう)()いられた()(けん)です。
    Batān shi no kōshin wa, Dainiji Sekai Taisen no Ajia taiheiyō sensen no shoki dankai no senkyūhyakuyonjūni-nen shigatsu kokonoka kara jūnananichi ni kakete, Nihon-gun ni yotte, nanamanrokusen-nin no horyo (Firipin-jin rokumanrokusen-nin, Amerika-jin ichiman-nin) ga Firipin de yaku rokujūroku mairu (hyakuroku kiromētoru) no kyōsei isō o shīrareta jiken desu.
    The Bataan Death March was a forcible transfer in the Philippines of some 66 miles (106 km) that 76,000 prisoners of war (POW) (66,000 Filipinos, 10,000 Americans) forced by the Japanese military to endure from April 9 to 17, 1942, during the early stages of Asiatic-Pacific theater of World War II.
Bataan Death March: death march from Bataan to POW camp
Thousands of US and Filipino POWs died on the Bataan Death March.