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For pronunciation and definitions of さた – see the following entry.
- [noun] washing away sand to obtain something desirable, such as gold dust or rice
- [noun] by extension, a fine-grained or careful sorting out or selection of something or someone
- [noun] deliberation of an issue and arriving at an appropriate outcome:
- [noun] the proper disposal or treatment of an issue
- [noun] a court case, a lawsuit, a trial
- [noun] a public affair, something in the court of public opinion
- [noun] a transmission of information:
- [noun] an instruction or order
- [noun] a notification
- [noun] a reputation
- [noun] a rumor
- [noun] an action, event, or matter worth talking about: how things shake out
- [noun] (in compounds) incident
- [verb] to wash away sand to obtain something desirable, such as gold dust or rice
- [verb] by extension, to carefully sort out or select something or someone
- [verb] to deliberate on an issue and arrive at an appropriate outcome
- [verb] to transmit information:
- [verb] to give an instruction or order
- [verb] to notify
- [verb] to gossip, to spread rumors
(This term, さた (sata), is the hiragana spelling of the above term.)