[edit]ᡳᠴᡝᠮᠪᡳ • (icembi)
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[edit]Selected forms of ᡳᠴᡝᠮᠪᡳ (icembi)
type he-re
type he-re
Sentence-final forms | ||||||||
Indicative | Simple | Progressive | Perfect | |||||
Present-future | ᡳᠴᡝᠮᠪᡳ (icembi) | ᡳᠴᡝᠮᡝ ᠪᡳ (iceme bi) |
ᡳᠴᡝᡥᡝᠪᡳ (icehebi) | |||||
Past | ᡳᠴᡝᡥᡝ (icehe) | ᡳᠴᡝᠮᠪᡳᡥᡝ (icembihe) | ᡳᠴᡝᠮᠪᡳᡥᡝᠪᡳ (icembihebi) | |||||
Future | ᡳᠴᡝᡵᡝ (icere) | — | — | |||||
Interrogative | Affirmative | Negative | ||||||
Non-past | ᡳᠴᡝᠣ (iceo) | ᡳᠴᡝᡵᠠᡴᡡᠨ (icerakūn) | ||||||
Past | ᡳᠴᡝᡥᡝᠣ (iceheo) | ᡳᠴᡝᡥᠠᡴᡡᠨ (icehakūn) | ||||||
Affirmative | Negative | |||||||
Imperative | ᡳᠴᡝ (ice) | ᡠᠮᡝ ᡳᠴᡝᡵᡝ (ume icere) | ||||||
Normal | Strong | |||||||
Desiderative | ᡳᠴᡝᡴᡳ (iceki) | ᡳᠴᡝᡴᡳ ᠰᡝᠮᠪᡳ (iceki sembi) | ||||||
Normal | Polite | |||||||
Optative | ᡳᠴᡝᡴᡳᠨᡳ (icekini), ᡳᠴᡝᡴᡳ (iceki) | ᡳᠴᡝᡵᡝᠣ (icereo), ᡳᠴᡝᠴᡳᠨᠠ (icecina) | ||||||
Converbs | ||||||||
Coordinative (Infinitive) | ᡳᠴᡝᠮᡝ (iceme) | |||||||
Subordinative (Past gerund) | ᡳᠴᡝᡶᡳ (icefi) | |||||||
Conditional | ᡳᠴᡝᠴᡳ (iceci) | |||||||
Durative | ᡳᠴᡝᡥᡝᡳ (icehei) | |||||||
Terminative | ᡳᠴᡝᡨᡝᠯᡝ (icetele) | |||||||
Instrumental | ᡳᠴᡝᡨᡝᡳ (icetei) | |||||||
Preparative | ᡳᠴᡝᠩᡤᡝᠯᡝ (icenggele) | |||||||
Concessive | ᡳᠴᡝᠴᡳᠪᡝ (icecibe) | |||||||
Adverbial | ᡳᠴᡝᡵᡝᠯᠠᠮᡝ (icerelame) | |||||||
Participles | ||||||||
Non-past | Past | |||||||
Positive | ᡳᠴᡝᡵᡝ (icere) | ᡳᠴᡝᡥᡝ (icehe) | ||||||
Negative | ᡳᠴᡝᡵᠠᡴᡡ (icerakū) | ᡳᠴᡝᡥᠠᡴᡡ (icehakū) | ||||||
Verbal noun | ᡳᠴᡝᡵᡝᠩᡤᡝ (icerengge) | ᡳᠴᡝᡥᡝᠩᡤᡝ (icehengge) | ||||||
Note: Some of these forms may be hypothetical. Not every possible conjugated form of every verb actually occurs. |